
  • Sammuel "Sammy" Barnes

    Sammuel "Sammy" Barnes


    With a troubled life at home and a complicated relationship with his girl, Elle, Sammy has never really complained. Regardless of how many punches he's taken before, he'd always bounced back with a smile; whether it be a mask or a real one is something most people around him don't notice. It's something he's very happy about; talking about feelings is something he'd rather not do. When Leo comes around though, his masks stop hiding him and the further Leo probes, the more desperate Sammy becomes. Unfortunately, Sammy can't seem to escape this new person and soon discovers something about himself he'd never imagined.

  • Leonardo "Leo" Goldman

    Leonardo "Leo" Goldman


    Transferring to a new high school during senior year is usually a terrifying thought, but to Leo it was simply another thing to deal with. Rumors spread quickly, becoming even more ludicrous as the people in the school passed it on. He didn't bother correcting them, though. The worse the rumor got, the more fear they had of him; and with fear came respect. Anyone stupid enough to get in his path quickly moved when coming face to face with him; all except for one boy who wouldn't shut his mouth. Problems arise, though, as he continuously finds himself interacting with the boy and the truth starts leaking out. Not just from him, but both.