
  • Annaleigh Barker

    Annaleigh Barker


    Annaleigh Barker is a quiet and shy person who's rather on the nerdy side. Reading and writing are some of her favorite hobbies alongside skiing and singing. Annaleigh goes by numerous nicknames such as Anna, Annie, and Ann who are really only used by her best friend Courtney and family. Annaleigh is in love with Benjamin Stone, the school's heartthrob but doesn't believe she stands a chance at ever being with him. Annaleigh is usually silent when it comes to other characters, usually maintaining a 'speak when spoken to' attitude unless it comes to Courtney or Rex. With Courtney, we see the real side of Annaleigh, a girl who just wishes she could be noticed for just a day. With Rex, she still maintains her quiet personae but speaks her mind much more with him than with any other person who is more of an acquaintance than friend. Annaleigh lives at home with her mother, father and younger brother Shea.

  • Rexian "Rex" Grayson

    Rexian "Rex" Grayson


    Rex is new to the scene. He moved from Ottawa, creating a big change in his life and a rough adjustment to Saskatoon. He met Annaleigh while participating in a street fight with a guy named Boston. Although the cause of the fight isn't clear yet, he creates a small friendship with Annaleigh, referring to her as 'Mary Poppins' because of the fact that she always takes care of him. Rex's family has become extremely limited after his parents divorced at the age of seven. His mother died in a drunk driving incident which was believed to be lead on by a Bi-Polar disorder she was diagnosed with that day. Despite what his mother's side of the family heard, the blamed it on Rex's father which lead Rex to be alienated from his mother's side of the family. His father is involved in a business that deals with computers which leads him to take trips away from home. This lead to Rex's unstable relationship with his father.

  • Benjamin Stone

    Benjamin Stone


    Benjamin Stone is known as the school's most desirable guy. Although he isn't involved with sports or any other athletic activities, he's heavily into music and art which made girls believe he's more into his intellectual/emotional side than jocks. Little do girls know that he isn't much better. Being the crush of Annaleigh Barker, Benjamin lets off like he's completely oblivious to her feelings. Truth is, he actually is completely unaware of how she feels toward him. Being the center of attention for over half of the school's female population leaves Benjamin with a cool and collected attitude which some may define as arrogant or self-centered. Although that may seem like the case, Benjamin is actually a relaxed and carefree soul, who happens to take advantage of that attention. Being the youngest of 4 kids, Benjamin has constantly had to fight for his parent's attention. After finding his way through music, he soon became a favorite of his parents and the envy of his siblings leading up to his older brother's death in 1995 caused by a drug overdose. Even though Benjamin never mentions his brother, many of the lyrics in his songs are in dedication to his older brother, whom happened to be the one person he admired more than anyone in the world; proving that Benjamin isn't just an empty shell.

  • Courtney Reitman

    Courtney Reitman


    Courtney has been Annaleigh's best friend since the age of four. Being the louder and more obnoxious friend of Annaleigh leads to her gaining more notoriety than her shyer friend. Courtney has a tendency to create drama around herself and others, getting Annaleigh involved unintentionally along the way. Usually being the mastermind behind plans, she decides to take on the role of creating Annaleigh into a more 'ideal' girl, even if that means losing her as a friend along the way. She's the oldest of two brothers, ages 7 and 13. Her mother separated from her father due to adultery and remarried two years later. Even though Courtney's stepfather is a reasonable and generally caring man, she has been unable to accept him because of the fact that he 'destroyed a perfect family'.

  • Curtis Kramer

    Curtis Kramer


    Curtis is what Annaleigh believes to be as an idiot. For some reason, her name never seems to stick in his mind which he believes to be because of 'being in a coma' when he was younger. Although this fact is never actually confirmed, most people follow through with the statement for there is no other explanation even though Curtis has known Annaleigh since elementary school. Unlike most boys, Curtis finds himself developing deep feelings for Courtney Reitman, despite the social barriers that they confront. He believes she can 'keep him grounded' and 'on his toes', which is something new for the single men in Annaleigh's school. It is still undetermined if Curtis will ever act on his feelings for the reactions of others keep him from truly telling Courtney how he feels.

  • Parker Vox

    Parker Vox


    Parker is Benjamin's best friend and possibly the 'better half' of the school;s most desired gentleman. Parker is a very easy going person, with a charismatic personality that draws people into him. He has always been in the more socially adept cliques, unlike Benjamin, but was the one to lead Benjamin into the more 'popular' world. Although Parker is extremely likeable to most, his actions can sometimes contradict what he portrays. Parker is a definite player and sometimes doesn't necessarily have good intentions behind his actions. He is clearly a character that many girls 'love but want to slap the living shit out of'. Curtis is lead to believe that Parker has secret feelings toward Annaleigh, due to the fact that he's always courteous and kind to the girl even though Parker mentions that he does not have feelings for her.