
  • Rosie Marie

    Rosie Marie



  • Joe Lucas

    Joe Lucas


    Joe is known as the teen heartthrob of the group. Joe will go to any lengths to get a girl to like him. He and Stella know that they like each other but decide not to go out because they don't want to mess up their friendship if they break up. But he still has feelings for her, and is always trying to spend time with her, unless his brothers annoy him to measures, to which Joe avoids Stella. Because of this, he often flirts with Stella as a result of falling in love with her. He and Stella kiss and soon become a couple. He tends to be goofier than Nick but not quite as out there as Kevin. Joe likes stuffed animals that make noise. He sings Lead Vocal and plays Keyboards and Rhythm Guitar for the brothers' band JONAS. He often has a hammerspace pocket or backpack, when looking for stuff. He always carries a blue panda pencil with him. Joe tends to have stage fright when he is playing as someone else.

  • Kevin Lucas

    Kevin Lucas


    Kevin is the oldest of the brothers and is usually seen as wacky, wild, and goofy. Kevin is known to think outside of the box and always thinks of wacky animals, like an otter that can play the trumpet or a bear in a bikini. Kevin often comes up with plans that are insane or impossible but occasionally also has some good ideas. When he lies, his voice tends to be high pitched. He owns a full moving rack of guitars and likes woodland creature stuffed animals. He does back-up vocals, one-time lead vocals and Lead Guitar in the brother's band JONAS.

  • Nick Lucas

    Nick Lucas


    Nick is the calm and collected member of the band. He is known to have many short-lived relationships, and his family has criticized him for falling in love too fast. Nick is the most serious of the group, sometimes losing patience with Kevin's antics. Nick likes stuffed animals that swim. Nick is the band songwriter and performs lead vocals, drums, piano, and Rhythm guitar for JONAS. When he was a baby, according to his family, he never smiled. He claimed he was waiting for his teeth to come in. (However, when asked by Joe what his excuse is now, he did not have a comment.) Nick is also the mastermind of creative plans gone awry.

  • Stella Malone

    Stella Malone


    Stella is JONAS's stylist. She is best friends with Macy and is Joe, Nick and Kevin's childhood friend, she has known the boys since she was three. Stella and Joe know they like each other but they decide not to date because they don't want to mess up their friendship if they break up, but still considers a romance with him because she gets jealous if she sees Joe with another girl. In a recent episode, Stella might have discarded her feelings for him when she pictures how their relationship might turn out. In the episode "Double Date" she and Joe kiss and soon become a couple. Stella created an automated outfit selector called the Stellavator and is constantly trying to adapt clothes to JONAS's hectic lifestyle. She gets annoyed when her outfits get ruined, which happens more than she'd like. She is addicted to texting. Stella also helps Macy talk to JONAS without hurting them or fainting. Unlike her best friend who is wonderful at sports, Stella is horrible at them. She is, however, an excellent seamstress, one time creating a dozen girls' volleyball uniforms in a very short span of time.

  • Macy Misa

    Macy Misa


    Macy is JONAS's friend and the president of their fan club. Macy tends to faint or hurt JONAS by accident when she gets near them. She often refers to each boy as "(first name) of JONAS." When she dated a boy (Randolph) who was not a JONAS, she tried to make him into a JONAS, even calling the boy "Nick" as a "nickname." She is very athletic and plays on a number of sports teams, and she also works in her mother's thrift store, called Misa's Pieces. Macy is a terrible singer but has decided not to stop. Macy's obsessed fangirl attitude about JONAS seems to be changing into a real friendship with the boys, Macy hasn't fainted or hurt the boys at all in recent episodes. Also, seen in the episode "Frantic Romantic" she and Stella attended a Hollywood Private Party with the boys. In a couple episodes, she's seen being hugged by the boys.