
  • The Doctor

    The Doctor


    A 906 year-old time lord who travels through time and space in his Time And Relative Dimension in Space (TARDIS for short) machine. He often picks up companions (human and female-shocker) along the way but in the end none of them stay with him for more than a few years and when they go it's always unwillingly. It breaks the Doctor's heart every time. His last companion was sassy, funny Donna Noble who had to have her memory wiped and can no longer remember the Doctor, if she does, she will die. The Doctor's worst enemies are the Daleks, who killed all of his people and destroyed his planet. **I do not own this character. BBC holds all rights to the Doctor Who series, aliens, devices and characters**

  • Alaina Brayden

    Alaina Brayden


    A fellow traveler like the Doctor, her past is very mysterious.She has a bag that seems to be able to fit any number, and any sized things in it and she's always pulling something out of it perfect for the situation at hand. She always wears gloves, always. If she happens to loose her gloves she will avoid skin contact with anyone at all costs. There is no explanation for this behavior as of yet. She also has a gadget called a PUMP (an anagram like TARDIS) but what it stands for and what it does is still unknown. Alaina is slightly silly and always enthusiastic. She's smart, dangerous and very capable of being the Doctor's best companion ever. This seems to be a result of her intimate knowledge of the Doctor and his habits, but how she knows who he is and what he does is again, unknown. For the moment she's playing dumb to all of the Doctor's tricks but how long will that last?

  • The Cauchemar

    The Cauchemar

    The first alien the Doctor and Alaina fight together. The Cauchemar are a three-headed reptile without gender. Each one can produce hundreds of thousands of offspring, but this is a calculated risk. The offspring of Cauchemar are born ravenously hungry, grow quickly and have no distinction between "mummy" and "food." Easily capable of over running a planet, the offspring are born ready to be hatched at any time, when their parent is ready for them to hatch (i.e. when they've found a large enough food supply to satisfy their children's hunger) it releases a hormone over several weeks that tells the offspring when it is time to hatch. The name Cauchemar means 'Nightmare' in French.

  • Sunerians (New York)

    Sunerians (New York)

    Sunerians are an alien species that arrived on Earth in the year 2046. By the year 2096 they have officially adopted New York as their home state and have integrated themselves into American society (inter-related with them too if you know what I mean.) Sunerians look almost identical to humans in every way, but they all have purple eyes and their cardiovascular system is also purple. (Purple veins, blood and hearts.) Alaina never notices their purple eyes (too caught up in their awesome party) but the Doctor does mention their purple hearts to her. Known to be great party throwers around the universe they also tend to get busted by the cops. A lot. Since coming to Earth they have become avid 90's Punk, Rock n' Roll and Alternative Rock fans--anything with strong beat and some killer guitar rifts. First non-violent alien species Alaina meets while traveling with the Doctor. (Picture by pumpkincat210)

  • Captain Jack Harkness

    Captain Jack Harkness


    No one knows his age, he's been buried alive for a thousand years, he's been around on earth since the early 1900's at least and before that he was a time traveler. It's also been hinted that Captain Jack is really the face of Beau so he could live to be millions of years old. Ever since Rose (the Doctor's first companion in the new series) brought him back to life he's never been able to die. A mysterious and notorious sex fiend, Captain Jack has that good 'ole American boy charm, ruggedly handsome good looks and the hint of the bad boy--the perfect temptation for anything (And I do mean anything) with a libido. **This character belongs to the BBC and creators of Doctor Who and Torchwood**