
  • Hiei the Forbidden Child

    Hiei the Forbidden Child


    NAME: HIEI RACE: FIRE DEMON AGE: UNKNOWN SEX: MALE HEIGHT: MORE OR LESS 5 FT. - ( higher than Genkai ) HAIR: BLACK ( with white spikes ) EYES: RED PLACE OF BIRTH: ICE COUNTRY OF MAKAI ( KOORIME ) OCCUPATION: REI KAI TANTEI / FORMER ASSASSIN RELATIVE/S:YUKINA ( TWIN SISTER ) / HINA ( MOTHER ) CLOSE FRIEND: KURAMA WEAPON: KATANA ( SWORD ) STRENGTH LEVEL:CLASS A ADVANTAGE: SPEED AND AGILITY / HIS JAGAN POWER ( SOURCE ): JAGAN SEIYUU: HIYAMA NOBOYUKI (whether you want to actually read this or not is entirely up to you, but it is pretty interesting, and Hiei is amazing for surviving like he has, even if he isn't real) H I E I ' S S T O R Y Hiei is a fire demon who was born in the Floating Kingdom of Koorime ( ice country of Makai ) where legendary ice ( youkai ) maidens live . As a fire demon, Hiei was bannished from their land when he was still a young infant because of the misfortune that he may bring upon to their homeland according to the Koorime elders. Hina , Hiei's mother, begged the elders to spare her son's life, but the elders did not listen. Ruri , a friend of Hina , was ordered to cast the child from a high ground ( literally speaking ) and to let him die in the cursed Makai grounds. Hiei's small and helpless body was covered in straps with writings on it to seal his powers. Ruri tucked a gem from Hina's tear inside the child's straps and whispered to him that he should survive and become strong, and she will be waiting for his revenge. After this, she dropped the infant into the dangerous land of Makai. The elders saw everything including Hina who was suffering in agonizing grief. Ruri's words was marked on Hiei's mind. Hiei survived the fall and was adopted by a group of thieves. Hiei kept the gem which reminded him of Ruri and gave him a reason to go on. It also comforts him when he's alone. As years went on, Hiei learned to fight and defend himself from the evil demons that lurk. He was fond of hearing cries for help from his opponents. He also became a hired assassin at that time. The thieves who raised him couldn't take his attitude anymore and cast him from their group. He wandered in Makai all alone and killed whoever gets in his way. Unfortunately, as he was fighting with a demon, he lost his gem. It fell from a cliff and it was washed away by a river found beneath . It was impossible for him to find the gem. At this point, he now has two things to find; the gem and the Koorime.