
  • Clementine



    Clementine's greatest fear is that a Killer Whale will eat her, thus she is terrified of water. She DEFINANTELY isn't the brightest crayon in the box, but her naive demeanor makes her the more caring and loving. Clementine is a hobo penguin, so she doesn't really know or understand the luxuries that other penguins have. This being said, Clementine is a very religious girl and her famous line is: "Oh my Penguin God!" (OMPG for short). She is greatly paranoid (pesimistic as well). To an outsider, she seems a bit 'off of her rocker' but as a close friend can see, "This is one of her GOOD days." * * * * * Well, we hope you enjoy our little Clementine as much as we have enjoyed writing her!