
  • Alexis Bella Cunningham

    Alexis Bella Cunningham


    Nickname(s): Al, Alex, Lexi, Lex; Usually goes by Lexi. Height: 5’ 7”Weight: 110Figure/build: petite, skinny Hairstyle and colour: golden curls Eye colour: light brown Skin colour: pale Tattoos: a tattoo of a white rose on her left shoulder Scars: none Piercings: three holes in each ear Preferred style of clothing: country; alternative Personality: loyal; stubborn; defending; hard-head; loving; sweet; gentle; suffers from abuse by her boyfriend. Has an adopted younger sister, Emily Hannah, who is twelve and a half who she adores to bits. She is starting her first year of college at University of the Arts, in London, Enlgand. Has a boyfriend, Jack Alexander Teye.

  • Nathan James Lonwest

    Nathan James Lonwest


    Nickname(s): Nate, Natie, Loon,Height: 6" 2' Weight: average? Figure/build: Well built, sports man body. Hairstyle and colour: Dirty blond bed-head Eye colour: grey-blue Skin colour: light tan. Tattoos: Spiderweb on the small of his back. Scars: One on his lip. Vertical. Piercings: None. Preferred style of clothing: Casual ersonality: Ignorant, joker, stubborn, dark, easy at hiding things, doesn't mix well. Likes: Sushi, his pet dog, Gruff, his parent and his best friend Daniel. Dislikes: Tall people, not getting his way.

  • Jack Alexander Teye

    Jack Alexander Teye


    Alexis' boyfriend. He's a really abusive and controlling person to her even though he does 'love' her. Even though he says he loves her, he's a cheater. Lexi doesn't know of this but even if she did she wouldn't be able to stop him. He's got a really demanding and attention hogging kind of person but when he wants to be nice he can be... for a while. He told Lexi to get a tattoo of a white rose for their 'pure love'. Lexi had always wanted a white rose, and she got it but not exactly for that reason. She thinks that he just wants what is best for her... Umm... not the case. He just wants to feel better about himself like Chris Brown. He works as a mechanic for his Uncle Phillip fifteen minutes away from Lexi's colllege and will ocasionally have random check ups on her.