
  • Isabella Carter

    Isabella Carter


    Our main Protagonist. Isabella is a small town girl; with her sights set upon going to the college of her dreams; Julliard University. But that dream ends once she is pushed head first into an adventure she had no intention of starting. Yanked from her home world and thrust into a new one: 'The World That Never Was'. Being told that she is the possessor of the 'Keyblade'. In the process of trying to find her way back home; she soon discovers a castle, admist her stay there, she meets a young male. They speak for a short time, and she soon finds herself attached to him. Her journey home has just taken a detour.

  • The Graceful Assassin - Marluxia

    The Graceful Assassin - Marluxia


    No. XI MARLUXIA. In the arc of his scythe, flowers grow and all else perishes. His pretty face hides ugly motives. Weapon: Scythe. ----- The male who had taken Isabella from her home world to 'The World That Never Was' Against her will. It was an order he had gotten from the superior. He doesn't take to nicknames well. And get's a bit annoyed when Isabella calls him Marly, or Mar-Mar. ----- Marluxia is also the Lord of Castle Oblivion.