
  • Candy Corn

    Candy Corn


    Candy Corn is the main character to my story "The Shortest Stories Ever", which is quite popular now. He LOVES video games. appearance--- His horn is made out of Hard Candy, his hoofs are made out of "yttrium" which is one of the rarest metals on earth, his left eye is blue and his right eye is pink. His overall fur color is , of course, white. His mane color is white but his tips are green. He certainly is candy on legs!! To think your mom gave birth to this, who died not too long ago. Yes, your mom. He loves Anime and every single show on earth, EVER. He carries a light saber that he stole from an actual Jedi who he impaled in the stomach. He has ninja stars that he bought on e-bay, and bombs that look like bouncing balls. Which don't seem to work. He once won the horse race once, when he killed the competitors. He go the world record for playing the most video games for 2008. And he LOVES LOVES LOOOVESSS WAFFLES. (who doesn't?) You can't say you hate waffles in front of him or he'll stab you in the Rectus adbominis. BEWARE: Candy Corn is ALLERGIC to McDonald's!!! There's something about the greasy goodness that makes him sick to the horn! His Overall Game Level---- Level 69 (ha)

  • Nom Nom

    Nom Nom


    Nom Noms are in "The Shortest Stories Ever". Where they leave on the east side of the mysterious, nameless lands that Candy Corn lives on. They are mouse like with rabbit tails, big mouths, and they have cute little feet. Their main diet is, well, whatever they can eat. If it's there, and its the only thing to eat, they'll eat it. Nom Noms were once thought to be extinct because legends say that a strange unicorn came through the villages and sliced all the nom noms. But they came back after so. Ever since then, Nom noms were thought as Zombies. Regardless that they're not.