
  • Marshall Condom

    Marshall Condom


    Marshall has a weird nam and dont you dare make fun of it. He is the bad boy of the school, he plays girl like Johnny B. Goode played the guitar. He is best friends with Trey and doesnt really trust anyone else. He has black hair, light brown eyes, and is about 5'11. In I need a change Marshall looks almost the same as that <. He has slightly longer hair. Tanner skin. Sunken eyes. But the same. He is living basically on the street. Trying to forget about Ally.

  • Trey Paddle

    Trey Paddle


    Trey Paddel is Marshall's best friend. He has brown hair and brown eyes. He plays girls almost as much as Marshall does. He has ADD and is always going crazy randomly. Doesnt have many other friends besides Marshall. Its not because they cant get friends its because they dont need them. In I need a change Trey is now the only person that Ally fully trusts. She lives with him and is eating sometimes. He has a lot of feelings for her but isnt sure what to do about them. He is scared that he would lose her. He hasnt seen Marsh in years but wants to know where he is.

  • Hunter Paddle

    Hunter Paddle


    Hunter is Trey's younger sister. She doesnt have ADD like he does and she has a lot more friends. She is very popular. But doesnt hate Ally like the other girls seem to. She is still in high school but comes to visit sometimes in I need a change. Finally knows about Ally's problem, one of Ally's best friends.

  • Ross 'Cookie' Douglas

    Ross 'Cookie' Douglas


    Ross 'Cookie' is one of the Douglas family. He is the triplets older brother and is almost always with them. He is always hyper but doesnt have ADD, he almost always has candy on him. He is still close friends with them in I need a change. He is not a very frequent character but he is still around.