
  • Li Mei Ameri

    Li Mei Ameri


    Hi, my name is Li Mae Ameri. It means pretty rose, which is exactly what my parents thought of me when they named me. I have black hair and grey eyes. I live in the countryside, in a mansion. My life is so amazing, I hate it. My dad is the Duke of where we live, or something like that, and he's quite popular with everyone. There's paparazzi around our house 24/7, so I can't go out anywhere. My mum tells me not to whine, that I have the perfect life, a life people would kill for. I think it sucks. And I know what your thinking - bar the papparazzi, I'd love this life. Well, would you love it if you were home schooled? If when you were allowed to go to school, nobody liked you, they liked Lady Li Mei? If you got everything you wanted, so there was nothing else to get? Well that's my whole life and I wish it wasn't. My fave colour is blue-grey. My fave food is (to my parents dismay) pizza with pineapple. My fave hobby is trying to sneak out of the mansion - but I get caught by paparazzi and taken inside by the nanny ( I can't believe I still have one either). My fave person in my family is my twin Kamil, except he's happy with his life and the only thing he wants to change is he wants me to enjoy it. His fave food is steak cooked medium with croqute potatos and garden peas from his garden. He's also my best friend in the whole world. The only one who knows me properly, and understands why I hate my life, but doesn't think the same. I don't think anyone does. I think I'm a freak, hating the perfect life. I know why and stuff, but it's still weird. My room is blue-grey, with a four poster metal bed with metal roses twisted around it. My fave flower is a rose.