
  • Jasper Reed

    Jasper Reed


    [b]Jasper Reed[/b] is the father in this abusive life. In this story, he will often, if not always, be referred to as "The Monster." Jasper is harsh in appearence, his body is almost completely covered in Tattoos. His eyes, are coal black and stare right through you. He has wrinkles on his face, that show he's lived a hard life, and has no intentions of turning it around. His hair which was black originally is fading into gray, and very short. He is perfect at intimidating you with his signature look, of raising his right eyebrow, something everyone in the Reed family can do. At almost 38 years of age, the biggest accomplishment he has made in his life, is making his wife and his daughters life a complete hell. The entire time he has had children and even before that, he has made a living doing drugs, tweaking, taking money, and running away. As he starts families, they are no exception. He has two children, Samara Harper and Anakuh Harper, by the first woman Caitlyn Harper-Lee. He has a child named Madilynne Reed, by the second woman Julia Baker. Then finally, he has two children by the names of Blithe Reed and Marcie Reed, and one more child, Delainey Parker, which was from Blithe and Marcie's mother Scarlett Parker, and a previous boyfriend's relationship. Therefore saying that Delainey is not his blood-related child. A few years ago Jasper Reed was diagnosed as a "Fucntioning Sociopath" though sometimes it is believed that 'functiong' went out the window a long time ago. He takes every kind of pill there is, mainly anti-depressants, or mood changers. He basically has to be on pills, or your world will come crashing down. His biggest pet peeve, is his 16 year old Daughter, Delaniey. Everything about her makes him cringe, and you will find out later, why. But I'm not telling you the full story as to why he is this way, Though it is never right to lay your hand upon a woman, unless in a loving way, Jasper grew up watching his father beat his mother. He'd even smack him, or one of his other 3 brothers sometimes. Jasper lived on the streets most of his life, doing drugs, and just about anything else it took to get by.

  • Anakuh Harper

    Anakuh Harper


    Anakuh Harper is the second of two children who never really had to deal with The Monster, Jasper Reed. She has long naturally curly light brown hair, which she straightens everyday, with one unnatural blonde streak. Her face is extremely skinny, and sunk in from doing drugs over the past year. Her cheekbones are sharp, and her face is always bronzed. Her eyes are just like her fathers, only they are light brown. But they have the same dramatic effect, and she loves to raise her right eyebrow at you, in disgust. Just as The Monster, and every other person in the Reed family. Anakuh, unlike Samara, remembers everything about her father. She remembers him leaving them broke, taking their money, spending everything they had, and everything they didn't, on drugs. He remembers watching him beat her mother Caitlyn, for no reason at all. Over the years, Anakuh has grown to hate The Monster, daughter like father, holding a grudge. She believes it is all his fault, the way they have turned out. She dispises him, and everything he is. She hasn't seen any of her sister since she was 10, when they all got to meet eachother at her Mother's friend's house. The 6 girls have yet to be reunited after that night. She blames him. So does her mother Caitlin. Anakuh has grown up with a stepfather, whom she also hates. He drove her insane, so she moved out, and has been living on her own since she was 15. She met a boy, and at 17 she was pregnant with her first child. She dropped out immediately after getting the news. When her son was 6 months old, her boyfriend and his mother had been routing against her and got her child taken away from her, for being on dope. Just like she said she'd never do. Just like the Monster. Just like her father.

  • Samara Harper

    Samara Harper


    [b]Samara Harper[/b] is the eldest of all 6 girls. She has dark brown eyes, just like everyone on her father's side of the family, and medium length brown hair. Straight as a board, with sometimes random streaked exotic colors, in the bangs mainly. Her lip is pierced. She is short, about 4'11" feet standing, and heavy set. Her teeth are not so perfect, and her nose is as small and petite as her mothers. Her feet are remarkably tiny, her shoe size being 5 to 5 1/2, or 6, depending on the fit. She knows nothing of her fathers life, because when she was younger, around age 5 or 6, her mother Caitlyn Harper-Lee packed up her, Samara, and her sister Anakuh's things and moved them all back to their mother's previous home in Missouri. She has vague memories of her father, Jasper, though. All she remembers is that he wasn't so kind or friendly to her mother. Growing up, he had always denied Samara as his own, accusing her mother of sleeping around on him while they were together. Samara has grown, now almost 20 years of age, into a complete replica of her mother. Growing up in a small town in the country based Missouri, she has completed all years of school, yet still shows no signs of ambition or goals in life. It's almost as if she doesn't care what happens in her life, and she has no intentions of changing that. She refuses to get a job, she keeps to herself, she has only had one romantic partner in her life, but nothing was accomplished through that, and has one friend she is always with. But if there's one thing odd about Samara, it's her distinct twin-like appearance, almost identical, to her younger sister Blithe Reed.

  • Jodie Evans

    Jodie Evans


    In the story, Outspoken Silence, Jodie Evans is the bestfriend of the youngest Daughter, Marcie Reed. Jodie isn't a main character, but she has had a pretty bad life herself.

  • Marcie Reed

    Marcie Reed


    [b]Marcie Reed[/b] is the baby of the family. And she takes that, and runs with it. She's always been a daddy's girl, Daddy's [b]little[/b] girl, to be exact. She is just like Monster, in everyway. She acts just like him, and always has. And considering she's the youngest of all 6 girls? Moster spoils her, gives her absolutely everything she's ever wanted. And even if he doesn't want to? She gets it anyways. All she has to do, is scream and cry and whine until she gets it, but no doubt, it happens. Marcie is 12 years old, she stands about 4'10" and it quite the chubster. She was always tiny growing up, but not so much anymore. It's not that she's fat or anything, she's just small and compacted. It's fun to tease her about it. She has Madilynne's nose, and she looks more and more like her everyday. She has small brown eyes, and a mouth that runs like a motorboat with no filter. She'll say absolutely anything, and everything, without a second thought. She honestly just doesn't care, whether she hurts your feelings or not. She's a real tomboy, too.

  • Spencer Bates

    Spencer Bates


    In the story, Outspoken Silence, Spencer Bates is also Blithe Reed's bestfriend, and though she has never witnessed the abuse in Blithe's life, she knows how Jasper can be, and she is Blithe's closet friend.

  • Adela Jones

    Adela Jones


    In the story, Outspoken Silence, Adela Jones is the girl who has been bestfriends with the writer, Blithe Reed, since the fourth grade. She has witnessed Blithe's parents fight, many times before.

  • Blithe Reed

    Blithe Reed


    [b]Blithe Reed[/b] is the person writing and narrating this story. She is the tallest of all 5 of her sisters, The Victim, and The Monster, standing at 5'5", though she is only 14. She was the one blessed with height, though to her, she isn't tall enough. She's on the heavy side, just like Samara, it runs in the family. But her figure and facial features are not distorted like some. Her body has managed to keep the curves it was blessed with, and her face, well, you can still make out all of her features. She has a nose of her own, which oddly she adores. Nose's are the first thing on people's faces she notices, and as picky as she is with everything else, this aspect is no exception. Her eyes, people adore. They are dark brown, but you only notice that if you're really looking. If not, then you'll think that they are as cold and as black as The Monster's himself. Her mouth, is not big, but definitely not small. She wishes it were bigger. Blithe, was the one always trying to get inbetween the abusive and hateful fights that went on between The Monster and The Victim. Delainey, she would yell from a distance, to make The Monster stop, it never worked. Marcie, she's always been an extremely heavy sleeper, so she was never awake when they fought, they always fought in the middle of the night, and she was the youngest so even if she did see them, she doesn't remember. Blithe was always putting herself in the middle. She couldn't take seeing her parents beat eachother until blood and bruises appeared.. the screaming, it was the worst. Blithe never liked the screaming.

  • Casper Thomas

    Casper Thomas


    In the story, Outspoken Silence, Casper Thomas has the role of boyfriend to Delainey Parker.

  • Makenlee Robinson

    Makenlee Robinson


    In the story, Outspoken Silence, Makenlee Robinson has the role of bestfriend to Delainey Parker.