
  • Holly



    Holly is the sweet girlfriend of Hanru. She is also the youngest daughter of Bruce and younger sister of Tsuki. Holly is very nice and she has long blond hair. Holly never jumps to conclusions, even when she's mad. If something happens, She confronts the problem. But she will state her opinion of what she thinks. Holly puts a lot into things such as relationships when in certain situations. Holly also enjoys being in relationships.

  • Erika



    Erika is a 25 year old woman who works in forensics. In high school, she went with her friends hiking in the forest. They found the cabin of Angelo Armejo and they searched it. Armejo and his crew then killed all of her friends. Erika barely escaped. Since that day, Erika's been all alone. She has no friends. She has family, but she is very distant from them. She eventually got over this, but when she found a lover named Oliver, he did horrible things to her. This corrupted her mentality. She is always to the breaking point now. Sometimes she's sad, sometimes, angry, and sometimes suicidal. She hates everyone and everything in the world because of what she's going through. Erika lived a hard life, same as Meukie. Erika does drink her pain away and sometimes turns to drugs. She works in forensics for the police department.

  • Meukie



    Meukie is a prostitute. Her life was very hard growing up. As a little girl, Meukie's father use to sell her off to other men so they could satisfy their sexual desires. One day, Meukie's father sold her to a man and never returned for her. Meukie ended up feeling lost in her life and she developed an addiction of sex at an early age. She dropped out of school and decided to live her life on the streets. A man kidnapped her one night, along with 10 other girls and forced them all to prostitute. They were all 9 years old at the time. The man who kidnapped her taught her the necessary skills she needed to know to survive in her life. He taught her how to read, write, etc. He was a nice person. After a few years, he let all 10 of the girls go free. Meukie ran away and never looked back. She did all she could to survive in the streets. Early in the story, Meukie revealed to have another pimp. One who was violent. She tells Hanru that she owed him $200. She had to run away from him because he was beginning to get violent with her. Hanru treats her like a real person and her life slowly changes. Even though Meukie lived a hard life, she's a very sweet person. Meukie learned that she can become her own person with her own personality. She chose to be kindhearted.

  • Mamimi



    Mimi is a responsible 14 year old and the best friend of both Hanru and Lee.She's the only one out of the three of them who owns a car. she has a black Lincoln Navigator. She is not always nice, but most of the time she is. Mimi has a small gossiping problem. She also has a thing for Hanru. It was revealed that she was once bullied in the past. Hanru did what he could to save her from the bullies and the two of them became friends. Mimi never wears makeup, but she looks pretty without it. Mimi has a secretive personality and not much is known about her.

  • Lawrence Sazuki

    Lawrence Sazuki


    Lawrence is the cool big brother of Hanru. Him and Hanru are both really close. He is unemployed and he lives in the same house as Hanru and his uncle, Leo. Lawrence seems to sit around the house all the time and eat junk food. Lawrence has good encounters with Hanru, but he has dramatic encounters with his uncle Leo. Lawrence tried to see the positive side of most situations.

  • Lee



    Lee is a very handsome 14 year old boy and one of the best friends of Hanru and Mimi. Lee is a man who apparently eats junk food, likes pornography, and enjoys looking at woman. Lee seems to try and be a joker some of the time, but he fails almost always. He's immature most of the time. Lee lives with his grandmother, Ming Lee. Lee is Ming's last name, so this proves that Lee is not Lee's first name but his last.

  • Leo Sazuki

    Leo Sazuki


    Leo is very strict and mean. He use to work on his detective skills 24/7, but sadly he studied too much and his skills slowly faded away. He was once one of the best detectives in his station. He once had a parrot named Valdez. It was the only friend Leo had. When it died, Leo completely separated himself from having friends and avoided showing love for his loved ones. Leo doesn't go out on dates because he thinks it's a waist of time. Leo only focus' on his goals in life and that's it.He lives with his two nephews, Hanru and Lawrence. Although the three of them live together, Hanru and Leo don't interact with each other a lot. This may be because of the secret he carries of Hanru's forgotten past. Leo does not have a good relationship with Lawrence. Whenever the two of them interact, there's always some kind of drama. Leo is an angry person but it is unknown why. His partner is a woman named Ada. She likes him and wishes to date him, but Leo refuses. It was revealed early in the story that Leo became a detective to stop criminals like the ones he grew up around as a child.

  • Tsukiko



    Tsuki is the bitter older sister of Holly and daughter of Bruce. She has an obsession with potpies. She is a very mean person and she doesn't show a lot of feelings.