
  • Olivia Marie James

    Olivia Marie James


    Olivia remembers her life up to where it started to end and she remembers her life after she died. She remembers her family and her life in eighteenth century England. She remembers her friends and all the suitors she had chasing after her. The next thing she knows her emerald eyes have turned violet and no one knows who she is. Now in the present century she is a well known designer and everyone thinks she is twenty-two, but physically she is eighteen and mentally she is 145 years old.

  • Luca Arrio Atreus

    Luca Arrio Atreus

    Luca is Spanish. His mother was a human and his father is a vampire. He was born in the seventeenth century, when exactly no one remembers. He is a half-ling. *It's very hard to describe Luca so you'll just have to figure him out as the story goes on.*