
  • Carter Blevins

    Carter Blevins


    Carter is a girl who is strong and independent she never wanted her parents to tell her what to do. She is seventeen and acts like she is much older. Though she should follow the rules about not going out at night she hasn't followed them once and hasn't been caught yet and does not plan on being caught. She will fiercely defend her friends until the point where she gets into fights with people; which she almost always wins. Though she is a fierce little girl she has a slight fear of angry men because her step-father used to beat her, and her mother until Carter's mother kicked him out two years ago. Extras- Height- 5'2" Piercings- She has spider bites on the left side of her bottom lip, she also has her right eyebrow pierced, as well as her tongue. Tattoos- She has a half sleeve of Nightmare Before Christmas the scene where Jack and Sally are professing their love for one another on the hill.

  • Abigail Baker

    Abigail Baker


    Abigail is quite the special girl. When the World Leaders took over she was brought with them because she is the younger sister of one of the leaders. She is fiercely loyal to the five leaders and has ***ed for them before and does not tolerate people insulting them in front of her. Prime example- She was dating a man named Arthur for roughly four months, he insulted one of the leaders, and most importantly her brother. Right then and there in his bed she gutted him and left his destroyed body for his wife to find. She has secretly been in love with the youngest of the leaders, they have had relations before but nothing more serious than sex. Extra- Height- 5'4" Piercings- snake bites like her brother Tattoos- none

  • Leana Sullivan

    Leana Sullivan


    Leana is a sweetheart through and through, but with a dark side. She is married to one of the five leaders and is thus thee most important woman in the entire world, more so than Abigail. If anyone crosses her the wrong way all she has to do is call to her husband in her head and he appears in front of them with his infamous machete that has been used more than once. She isn't as evil as Abigail when it comes to killing people but she has dabbled in *** once or twice. Usually she stays at the home while they go out and do business and she takes care of the house. All the leaders consider her a mother of sorts. extra- Height- 5'3" Piercings- Tongue Tattoos- Her husband's name on her ring finger.