
  • Abigail (Abby) Brody

    Abigail (Abby) Brody


    Silence caused a freak reaction in Abigail. Silence allowed her to think. It allowed her mind to grasp the millions of possibilities that were floating around the endless abyss around her. She was self-conscious, always wanting to know what people were thinking about her. To her mother, she was nothing, just another payout from her father. No one knew what Abigail has had to suffer her whole life, an abusive father, a sanctimonious mother. She had always been the pretty one; she could get anything she wants with a snap of her finger. She wasn’t proud of whose he was. She couldn’t’ help it, she grew up with the same type of people, it’s all she knows. While everyone else is going to get married, live in mansions, with beautiful children, move away from this shit hole. She knew that she was going to be a drug addicted redneck who married a man because she didn’t have anything else to do. Celb: Katheryn Winnick

  • Elliot Daniels

    Elliot Daniels


    Elliot was filming the landscape, giving everyone a view of what she was seeing while her mind wandered off. She didn’t want to go to college; she wanted to travel the world as a photographer, become a musician, anything that she was good at that didn’t involve more school. Elliot’s father died when she was little, the last thing he said was go on to do great things. Her mother has always held up to that. Telling her that she’s never good enough, slapping her for getting a 4.0. Her mother didn’t like it when she dressed up and wore makeup. Her mother wanted her to go to college, wanted her to make a living as a lawyer, an editor, anything that would do good for humankind and make a lot of money, but she knew that it was impossible. The only thing that mattered to her mother was that she gets good grades and does something that makes money. Elliot wasn’t planning to come home after this trip. Of course, she didn’t want to disappear as the other students had, but at the same time, she did. She wanted to be a ‘missing’ student, but instead of not coming home, not going anywhere for that matter, she wanted to get on a plane and just start a new life. She’s graduated high school, she done. She just wanted to get away from everything, everyone, to be another no one. She wanted her mother to think she was gone. Celb: Emma Roberts

  • Jordan Larter

    Jordan Larter


    Jordan wasn’t sure he could handle another minute with Abigail, let alone the whole night. The only reason he’s even on this trip is that Elliot was going. She didn’t really have a choice in the matter, none of them did. Jordan had his whole life ahead of him. He was going to Berkley University with Elliot, although she didn’t really know it, his father could get him a job in professional football, and his mother was just cured of cancer. Jordan’s life was close to perfect, yet he was risking it all for a girl who doesn’t even like him, who is below his social status. Jordan was going to do things, live a brilliant life, but not anymore. If everything was true, everything about student’s disappearing, all of them were dead. Jordan wasn’t going to leave without Elliot, at least not before telling her how he felt. Celb: Garrett Hedlund

  • Malachi (Cody) Redding

    Malachi (Cody) Redding


    Malachi rolled his eyes. He was tired of all of these superficial stereotyping ***s. He could watch as they were ripped apart by rabid dogs and laugh his ass off. He didn’t care about who he was, or why he was alive. He just wants to be whatever he chooses. Sure, he likes other men, never kissed a girl, wears makeup to fit in, but that doesn’t make him any less human than the rest of the people sitting in the car with him. He hated what he had to do to have friends. He had to want to be the rock star, the guy who gets millions of girls every single night, is rich beyond anyone’s imagination. He had to be the guy who cheats on his wife while on tour because his buddies wouldn’t like him otherwise, who throws a chicken into the crowd and allows it to be ripped to shreds. He wasn’t that kind of guy. He loved everything other than rock, cutting himself, make up, and his sister’s jeans. He knew that if he remained this way, he would end up living in his parent’s basement for the rest of his life, a forty year old virgin masturbating to internet porn while playing video games and eating his mother’s cookies. celb: Kyle Gallner