
  • Cat Townsend

    Cat Townsend


    The only daughter of the legendary Townsend hunters, Cat had been struggling with the expectations of her family her whole life until she left. She became a dancer and landed herself a prestigious scholarship at one of the best art schools in Chicago. Though she tried to leave the Hunting world behind, she never forgot her training. She is very feminine, but tough and strong due to both her training and her dancer's body. Her personality can hardly be described as tamable; impulsive, intelligent, and stubborn, it's nearly impossible to argue with her. But she's also warm and sweet, though she tries not to let on, and has a wicked, dry sense of humor. Her strong interest in fashion has people pegging her as Miss-Priss at times. Obviously, she's anything but...

  • Johnny Townsend

    Johnny Townsend


    Johnny is the only Townsend son. Hunter through and through, he lives the life; gambling, drinking, smoking - that's who he is, and who he has been since his early twenties. Johnny is a very difficult man to get along with, and has an explosive temper - not to be tampered with. Regardless of what he might say, he loves his sister more than anything in the world. He is loyal to a fault, and is the living legacy of his father's teachings, almost unrivaled in his hunting skills. Johnny knows exactly how to have a good time, and encourages others to do the same - especially Cat. He's very protective of her, but is surprisingly able to give her space when she needs it. To everybodys' bewilderment, Johnny has taken Jo Harvelle under his wing, and she gets in his head every bit as much as his sister. Strictly off the record? He thinks she's adorable.

  • Dean Winchester

    Dean Winchester


    We all know Dean's personality: loud, hilarious, cheeky, shameless man-slut, bad-ass...but Dean has a definite soft-spot for Cat, and he finds this alarming - he flies solo, and always has. He grudgingly admits that she's talented at Hunting, though as infrequently as possible, because...she's a chick. Johnny Townsend was his best friend before the boys' Dad went missing and Dean pulled Sam out of Stanford. Sam is all he has until Cat rolls up on her Dad's motorbike and rocks the boat...something Sam suspects was much-needed. Dean loves his car (the '67 Chevy Impala) unconditionally - especiallly because it was his father's. They travel all across America in the car, and the trunk is always stocked with a full arsenal of weapons for any occasion.

  • Sam Winchester

    Sam Winchester


    Dean is all Sam has left for family, and vice versa. He is more connected to the outside world than Dean, and with the aid of his laptop he researches and finds hunts. In certain ways (but not all) Sam is smarter than Dean, but only because of Dean's lack of formal education, and sometimes this becomes humorously apparent. He struggles more than Dean with the whole 'being a Hunter' life, and sometimes needs to be reminded that that is who they are and always have been. He's less rash, and thinks a lot more before acting, but that isn't necessarily better - sometimes he thinks too much. Dean is always telling him to lighten up because Sam can be quite uptight sometimes, though it doesn't get in the way of his job...but it does get in the way of his personal life.

  • Jo Harvelle

    Jo Harvelle


    Jo Harvelle is the daughter of Ellen, the owner of the Roadhouse. Jo is dying to become a Hunter like her deceased father, but her mother is very protective of her and isn't eager for her to grow up and leave the safety and shelter of home, preferring to have her help out at the Hunters' bar, where she can keep an eye on her. Regardless, through much pestering and many questions, Jo's knowledge of the trade is quite expansive - she just lacks the practice. Though she puts on a hard front like her Mom, she has a slight child-like quality to her, in that she hasn't seen much of the outside world. Johnny Townsend is one of the people that takes her seriously, and this is very important to her. The tempermental bad-boy draws her in, and she secretly nurses a huge crush for him.