
  • Virginia Gosler

    Virginia Gosler


    Hey, this is Vicky speaking and let me tell you, Virginia is the best person you will ever meet. She is so sweet, and nice. No one ever hates her, and if they do it's probably cause they're jealous of how well liked she is. She's crazy soemtimes though and she's short. Like really short. 5'2". She goes into mosh pits and fights her way through crowds. She isn't the type of person you want mad at you, but she is never usually mad at anyone. She rarely hates people. She likes to party too. She's usually down for anything. She also tried to be the less drunk one of us because when I get drunk, I get DRUNK. She's very motherly. She sings and plays guitar. She is going on Warped to promote herself and what not. It should be GREAT! :D We call her: Virgin, Wiffey, and Virg. She wears a purity ring that says 'Love Waits'. No she isn't waiting till marriage, she's just waiting for the right one. She has spider bites on the right side of her bottom lip, ears gaged to a zero and a cartlidge piercing on her ear. She also has a tattoo of a small piece sign on her foot and small bear claws on her hips.

  • Victoria Taylor

    Victoria Taylor


    Hey people! This is Virginia talking to you about Victoria. Well she does have attitude problems sometimes. She doesn't like to take shit from anyone. She isn't afraid to stand up and fight fo what she believes is right. Doesn't like to talk shit, just sits there and is herself. She is a bitch, she even says it about herself, but she's one in a good way. Also she has some A.D.D. and is really hyper mostly or has to be moving all the time. Likes to party and have a good time. She is the party queen. She get's ***ed up and does stupid shit. She's a drama queen and likes competition. Likes to mosh, but not a lot cause it makes her feel sick to her stomach. She's really excited about coming on Warped with me. It's always been her dream to hang out with all the bands she loves. I think she might end up having a heart attack by the end of the tour or more than one. We call her: Vicky, Vick-star, Vicky-Ticky-Toria, V.V., and Bamm. Why Bamm? Cause she BAMMs you. She's tough stuff. She has snake bite on her bottom lip, a navel piercing, her ears are gauged to a zero on the second hole, two cartlidge piercings on her right ear, an industrial piercing on her left ear, and the first hole is normal in her ears. She has a tattoo of a diamond with a banner that reads 'Glamour Kills' on her left forearm, on each of her pinkies and the fingers next to them have a boxing glove on each and from her middle fingers and index fingers spell out BAMM when you put them together, a kiss mark behind her right ear, 'HIGH FIVE' on the inside of her fingers, bows on her hips, and a spade under her left ear.