
  • The White Devil

    The White Devil


    Referred to as "The White Devil", he is the first to find young Molly and welcome her to the World of Color. He is a very short tempered man, with little patience for anyone around him. This is often the case whenever Molly is involved. He fears the Wind Maker, for reasons still unknown and seems to hold authority over many others in Color. Because of this, Molly refers to him often as "King Devil", a title he greatly appreciates.

  • The Wind Maker

    The Wind Maker


    "The Wind Maker" as he is referred to, is the last to meet Molly and the first to reveal his true name. He lives inside an abandoned windmill with his only companion, an umbrella. Unlike many of the others inside Color, he does not live under the Devil's rule, but instead plots against him with a shrewd mind. This in turn makes him a wanted criminal.

  • Captain



    "Captain" is a fun loving man who lives by the sea with the half-boy half-girl, Curry. He is resourceful but dislikes "stepping on any toes", which is made aware whenever the Devil is around to stop him from speaking to Molly. Just like any other Captain of a ship, he loves stories and expresses an interest to hear of Molly's Black and White World.

  • Creature



    "Creature" is one of the firsts to be introduced to Molly, though the two certainly do not hit it off. He is a very emotional being, and chooses to resort to childish methods of hair pulling and pinching when upset. He is one of the Devil's close advocates, and another piece to the puzzle called Color.

  • Curry


    "Curry" is the companion to Captain, and best known as the 'half-boy, half-girl". Being one of the first people to fall into Color, Curry uses the excuse that they simply "forgot" what gender they were, along with everything else. It is for this reason that Curry hassels Molly into telling stories about the Black and White World in an attempt to remember and rectify the situation.

  • Molly Whitley

    Molly Whitley


    Molly is a young and confused girl from the Black and White World, who can't remember how she ended up in Color, or even what "Color" is for that matter. Meeting The Devil first, she is introduced to other characters and a new way to live, though she yearns to wake up from what she now calls a dream. Only there's a few set backs when trying to get out of a place you can't remember getting into.