
  • Jade Velázquez

    Jade Velázquez


    Look: With light almost white blue eyes. Stands around 5’3. Personality: Smart, fun, shy at times, friendly, trustworthy, cute, and really shy when it comes to new boys. Will tell her friends what’s what if they need to know. She never backs down from a challenge. Background: Lives with mom and brother, dad left a couple of years ago. Her brother is really sick; he treats her like she’s his play toy. Mom doesn’t see anything wrong with it while she’s getting high and drunk in the kitchen; she thinks their ‘spending time’ together. She lost her virginity when she was like 8 to Michael (her brother). Her mom pretends not to hear her cries for help when Michael is raping her, in her room. The only ones that knows this is her best friend Callum, and her other friend Max.

  • Joey Andrews

    Joey Andrews


    Look: With dirty blonde hair and light green eyes. Stands around 6’7. Personality: Cool, is only an asshole to Jade, smart, cute, really outgoing, and really athletic. Background: He lives with his brother Sven, turned wolf when he was nine. Parents died and he’s been living with his older brother Sven, in his house for eight years now; Sven helped him get over being a werewolf, he told him everything; how they became to be wolves, what they can do, etc. Sven taught him how to phase back to his human form and how to keep his temper from getting the best of him. He’s had a crush on Jade since he was six and she four. He’s an asshole to her because he doesn’t want her to know he likes her, he’s been doing this since he first found out he liked her. Since he’s been a werewolf he’s gotten new powers, such as, mind reading (he can’t read Jade’s from a distance, he can only read it if he touches her. Like he can feel all her emotions and hear all her thoughts that she’s ever had), knowing what people are feeling. He’s been trying to make these powers stronger over the years.