
  • Jack Barakat

    Jack Barakat


    DREAMLAND; Charlie's boyfriend - In a band (All Time Low) but still cares about Charlie enough to ditch rehersals e.c.t YOU WERE FAKE, I WAS GREAT, NOTHING PERSONAL; Dating Beth is kind of boring; she only really cares about herself,, and her friends and family - and aparantly,, Jack and his band arent included in that 'friends and family' group. Obviously,, this really gets to him. He wants -needs- to get away,, but has he got the courage to say the reason why? YOU'LL NEVER NEVER NEVER TAKE THE SUMMER FROM ME; Jack is deeply in love with his boyfriend, Zack, but is he feeling that there is somebody else he needs to be with? DEAR STELLA, WOULD YOU TURN ME ON?; After about five minutes of meeting Maria, he is already holding her hand. Is that bad? Is that going to become apart of his reputation? Somebody who'll do anything with anybody? No way would he let that happen. Holding on to Maria is all he needs to do... DAMNED IF I DO YA, DAMNED IF I DON'T; As Cassidy's boyfriend, he'd do anything for her. He totally trusts her, but is that what he should be doing? TOO MUCH OF ANYTHING IS TOO MUCH; He's Alex's best friend, so he has to take the crap out of Alex and his new girlfriend Cassidy, but maybe he should just keep his mouth shut for once... SHAMELESS; He's Rian and Zack's blood provider, and the 'new provider' teacher. And with a new student, he has to remeber that soon, she'll be ripped to peices. YOU DRANK THE POISON AND I LET YOU IN; Read it :P THE GIRL'S A STRAIGHT UP HUSTLER; His girlfriend is a bit OTT about how she looks, but she's got a good heart, and will always love him. Right?

  • Alexander Gaskarth

    Alexander Gaskarth


    DREAMLAND; One of Jack's bandmates YOU WERE FAKE, I WAS GREAT, NOTHING PERSONAL; Alex has a girlfriend and some close friends; one being the epic Jack Barakat. Yeah,, he loves his girlfriend,, but is his friendship with Jack ruining his relationship? YOU'LL NEVER NEVER NEVER TAKE THE SUMMER FROM ME; Desperate to get his best friend back, he is willing to do anything to get Jack and Zack apart. With Rian on his side, what could possibly go wrong? DEAR STELLA, WOULD YOU TURN ME ON?; Not following suit, he decides that Stella is his. Nobody else wants her, so there isn't any competition. Right? DAMNED IF I DO YA, DAMNED IF I DON'T; As a new math teacher, he has to pick a student to flirt with, right? Only one thing to remember; don't actually get feelings for her... TOO MUCH OF ANYTHING IS TOO MUCH; Cassidy's been his crush for a couple years now, and when he finally gets her, he's stoked. Until Zack decides he can't have his sister. SHAMELESS; As the lead vampire, Alex has responsabilities. And that means he needs plenty of blood. Which Jack can't provide. So he hunts down a regular girl with a not-so-comman blood type, and a rather big attitude. YOU DRANK TH EPOISON AND I LET YOU IN; Read it :P THE GIRL'S A STRAIGHT UP HUSTLER; He loves Jack, so his has to tell him about his girlfriend's flirting, right?

  • Rian Dawson

    Rian Dawson


    DREAMLAND; Having once kissed Jack Barakats girlfriend while they were together,, hes not exactly in the bands good books...or his own. YOU WERE FAKE, I WAS GREAT, NOTHING PERSONAL; One of All Time Low,, hes best friends with Jack,, Alex and Zack. YOU'LL NEVER NEVER NEVER TAKE THE SUMMER FROM ME; Rian agrees to help Alex on his little 'quest', but is he really on his side? DEAR STELLA, WOULD YOU TURN ME ON?; With three maniac girls and a whole school of mental ones, which do you go for? The neurotic super fan one, of course. DAMNED IF I DO YA, DAMNED IF I DON'T; Rian is Cassidy's best friend, and, maybe just a little bit, he wants to be more than that... TOO MUCH OF ANYTHING IS TOO MUCH; He thinks that Zack needs to back off and let Cassidy be with Alex, but maybe he also has something against the relationship. SHAMELESS; The cocky, up himself vampire of the group, Rian can come across as mean. Selfish. Greedy. But get to know him and... well, you might not get the chance, since, you know, he's a vampire... YOU DRANK THE POISON AND I LET YOU IN; Read it :P THE GIRL'S A STRAIGHT UP HUSTLER; Yeah, it's Jack's girlfriend, but she seems to like him more, so a little bit of fun couldn't hurt...

  • Zack Merrick

    Zack Merrick


    DREAMLAND; One of Jacks bandmates,, and to Charlie,, he may seem like the bad guy,, but is he? YOU WERE FAKE, I WAS GREAT, NOTHING PERSONAL; One of All Time Low,, he is best friends with Jack,, Alex and Rian. YOU'LL NEVER NEVER NEVER TAKE THE SUMMER FROM ME; Jack's boyfriend DEAR STELLA, WOULD YOU TURN ME ON; Obviously disgruntled by Jack's quick win of Maria, is his plan to get in the way going to work? DAMNED IF I DO YA, DAMNED IF I DON'T; Jack's older brother, and Jack's girlfriends next-best-thing-to-Jack... is there something wrong with that? TOO MUCH OF ANYTHING IS TOO MUCH; As Daisy's older brother, he has to protect her from any prying bandmates, correct? And almost definatly Alex. Who just so happens to be the one his sister decides to fall in love with. SHAMELESS; He's one of Alex's two vampires, and is rather shy, yet a stronger vampire than most others, which Alex likes to use to his advantage. But he does have a tendancy to be... the weak one. YOU DRANK THE POISON AND I LET YOU IN; Read it :P THE GIRL'S A STRAIGHT UP HUSTLER; Jack's got a girlfriend who he loves, but Zack loves a nice girl, and her flirting is just so... tempting.