
  • Tracey Wendlin Davis

    Tracey Wendlin Davis


    Tracey (mostly goes by Tray) is a sarcastic and hard-headed teenage girl. She doesn’t always fully think her plans through. She loves to be involved. She has a very creative mind, but mostly that only gets her in trouble. She is a big slacker and saves all the boring things for later, and that normally means never. Her grades are average, but if she actually tried she could make all O's. She has had a crush on Fred Weasley, who happens to be her best friend, for almost all of her time at Hogwarts, she has only told her friend Nat about it. Her and Nat constantly fight ‘cause Tray feels that Nat does not trust her, seeing as Nat refuses to admit that she has a crush on the other Weasley twin. But after every fight (that only last two minutes) their friendship seems to only get stronger. On her first night back Tray is forced to keep a book of special rules made only for her. Though she slacks through school mostly she has, like Ginny, mastered hexes with ease. Tray is a Slytherin, due to the fact that she can be cruel without meaning to, and has a sly and cunning mind. She is a chaser on the Slytherin Quidditch team. Tray's best subject is Transfigurations, she has a surprisingly good talent at that, and even with her slacker ways she mannaged to get into advance Transfigurations. Though the rest of her classes could be considered her worst class, the worst of them all for her is potions. When the story starts she is about to go into her fifth year, but ages with the story. This story starts out as a light comedy with romance, but deeper into the story there will be a lot of mystery thrown in.

  • Fred Weasley and George Weasley.

    Fred Weasley and George Weasley.


    Next to Harry Potter these two are the most famous boys in all of Hogwarts. They live for a good time and dont let anything get in their way. They know every secret passage way of Hogwarts, and every trick known to wizards. Though the two are nearly impossible to tell apart they have slight differences in personalities. George, though he never shows it, has a bit more common sense than his twin brother. Fred on the other hand is a bit more blunt. George thinks up the great pranks, and Fred brings them to life. George has a very obvious crush on Nat, while Fred has a much more complicated romantic relationship with Tray. When the story starts they will be entering their sixth year.

  • Natalie (Nat) Lynn Delano

    Natalie (Nat) Lynn Delano


    Nat is one of the happiest people you will ever meet. She gets good grades and gets away with trouble. She is a half blood, her mum is a witch, and her dad is a muggle. All of her siblings are witches and wizards. Nick is the oldest and has a wife and two kids. Erin was married a year ago and is pregnant with her first child. Brian is getting married at the end of the winter. Shane is still living with his parents. Nat is Tray's best friends; they have been best friends since they met each other at on the boats going to cross the black lake. Nat lives in Hogsmeade and is allowed to go there whenever she wants to. Nat has had a crush on George Weasley ever since Tray introduced them, but she has never told anyone, not even Tray. She is also a seer (the inner eye, the ability to prophesy). But she doesn’t know it yet. She just thinks she randomly has these weird dreams. The only person who knows of her true power is Dumbledore. Her best subject is naturally Divinations, and her worst is Transfigurations. At the beginning of the story she is going into her fifth year as a Gryffindor.

  • Owen James Davis

    Owen James Davis


    Owen can be very cocky, but he is a good boy. Originally Fred and George were two of his best friends, but they grew apart and grew more attached to his sister. Owen is a very handsome boy, Almost all the girls have a thing for him. He is also an amazing Quidditch player, and will most likely go pro by his 7th year. He was really good friends with Cedric Diggory Owen gets average grades, to him learning all this is just not important since his future is already cut out for him. His best class is Charms and his worst class is Herbology. Owen is in Gryffindor. He is one year older than Tray.

  • Bradley (Brad) Joseph Davis

    Bradley (Brad) Joseph Davis


    Brad is the smartest male in his class; he is very close behind Hermione Granger. Unlike Hermione Brad does not focus on his studies at all. Brad hardly ever opens a book, and yet his grades are still outstanding. Brad is always goofing around and messing with people’s heads. His sister, Tray and him fight all the time, but still they are very close for brother and sister. Brad is in the same year as Harry, Hermione and Ron and also a Gryffindor. Brad had never fully trusted his dad, and was always trying to convince the other two that something was wrong with him.

  • Julie Davis (Maiden name Penrose)

    Julie Davis (Maiden name Penrose)


    Julie is the mother of Owen, Tray and Brad. She is married to Rupert. She shares the same hair as Owen, and other physical features with Brad, but bares no similarities to her only girl, Tray. That fact is ignored until later in the story. She is a muggle hairdresser. While at Hogwarts Julie was in Gryffindor. She is a very loving mother.

  • Rupert Davis

    Rupert Davis


    Rupert Davis keeps to himself most of the time, and although he has three children, only one of them looks like him, Tracey. He claims to have been in Gryffindor when he was a child, but there is no evidence of a Rupert Davis ever attending Hogwarts.