
  • Adam Young

    Adam Young


    Our Narrator. Adam has insomnia. And he's not quite sure how to stop it yet, so he often finds himself sneaking out to drive out to a small, discreet play ground by the lake. Adam could be described in three words; adorable, awkward, and sweet. He oozes cute and he stutters awkwardly. His best friends are Austin Tofte and Breanne Düren. They've been best friends since the fifth grade. Adam would never admit it; but he's always had a small crush on Austin. But he's much more concerned with making sure their friendship lasts then persuing him romantically.

  • Austin Tofte

    Austin Tofte


    Austin is a little bit outrageous sometimes. He likes to give into the part of him that just wants, wants, wants everything and anything. And he likes to do so often. His best friends are Adam Young and Breanne Düren. They've been best friends since the fifth grade. Austin wouldn't say it, but he's always thought that Breanne was quite beautiful; and in truth, he's taken with her. But he would never jepordize their friendship like that.

  • Breanne Düren

    Breanne Düren


    Breanne is the more responsible one in the group. Though, she is also the one who is much more concerned with their appearance. Though, she's a little gullible. Her best friends are Adam Young and Austin Tofte. They've been best friends since the fifth grade. When Breanne met Adam and Austin, as she was the last to join the group, she was in all actually quite taken with the both of them. However, as she got to know them, they became more like brothers than anything.

  • Travis McCoy

    Travis McCoy


    Travis is probably considered more popular than Adam and his friends. He's friends with all of the popular kids and always gets invited to all the parties. He has a hobbie for training dogs, noteably his pet wolf, Lyra. He and Pete Wentz are best friends. Travis was in Adam's second grade class, but then he moved away before Easter, leaving an unfufilled promise to Adam.

  • Pete Wentz

    Pete Wentz


    Pete is very popular. He knows everyone, and that means everyone. He's not afraid to admit that he is in love with his sweetheart Patrick Stump. Though he stands by the fact that he's not really "gay" per-say, he loves Patrick. And that is it. He and Travis McCoy are best friends. Despite the fact that Pete is ultra popular, he's actually really considerate- he never lets anyone drive after they've been drinking.