
  • Satoru Okabe 岡部暁

    Satoru Okabe 岡部暁


    Satoru Okabe (Gackt Camui) is a real person. His birthday is July 4th (as of Dec 2010, he is 37 years old) though he sometimes claims to be in his 500th century of life (late 460s). ** "Researchers" BELIEVE Satoru Okabe to be his real name, so I have used it here. ** In the fanfic, Gackt is a protagonist. When he first meets Bao, he is coping with the fresh wound of divorce (for the second time). He is awestruck by how innocent and sweet Bao is, which he finds attractive. However, after learning a little more about her, he begins to doubt himself and whether or not he should have put himself in a relationship with someone so much younger than himself. In essence, he wants her, but feels guilty for not having deeper feelings for her. In the fan fiction we see him referred to by both his stage name and real name. In Kei, he is known as "The Oni" and he is the leader of a strange, shadowy company under the influence of the United Nations. His primary objective is to keep the mortal and preternatural worlds separate.