
  • Madeline "Maddie" Russell

    Madeline "Maddie" Russell


    Maddie has been hurt quite a lot before. Well... It's a lot relative to the majority of other nineteen year olds. So since her second boyfriend hurt her, she decided to make a list of things she doesn't want in a boyfriend. She has seven things so far that she isn't looking for. And when she met Garrett Nickelsen and he asked her out... Well, let's just say he wasn't exactly the ideal candidate. Even when she gave him a chance, she wasn't quite sure whether she should let herself submit and like him when he was exactly the opposite of what she wanted. Then he kissed her... And after that, she wasn't quite sure of anything anymore...

  • Garrett Nickelsen

    Garrett Nickelsen


    Garrett isn't usually one to let things get to him but when he met Maddie Russell and he found out she had some odd kind of 'criteria for boys' list, he hasn't been able to stop thinking about her. Actually, it's mainly the fact that she wouldn't give him enough of a chance because he didn't meet any of her standards. Now he wants to prove himself to her that he's not only good enough for her, but good enough for anyone. One way or another, Maddie will regret ever saying he wasn't good enough and he'll teach her a lesson she'll never forget...

  • Leanne Walsh

    Leanne Walsh


    Leanne is Kennedy Brock's girlfriend. Their relationship is one to be jealous of. It's not perfect, but it's pretty damn close and it's exactly what Garrett wants. Leanne and Garrett have been good friends for so long now that they're practically brother and sister. She loves him so much that she's certain that no girl out there is good enough for him. And when Maddie comes along and he comes up with absurd notion of proving he can be everything she wants, Leanne takes it upon herself to make him realise he shouldn't change for anyone, no matter how much you love them.

  • Kennedy Brock

    Kennedy Brock


    Kennedy Brock is one of Garrett's best friends and Leanne's one and only. He tries to help Leanne convince Garrett that he's amazing the way he is and Maddie should just realise it but Garrett isn't one to give up easily. Kennedy's not sure whether to protect him or let him make his own mistakes, regardless of how much they'll hurt him.

  • Alyssa  "Lyss" Kennedy

    Alyssa "Lyss" Kennedy


    Alyssa has been through the world and back to finally end up happy with John O'Callaghan. There was so much drama in their relationship that they're happy to finally just be together. She wants to help Garrett get what he wants but at the same time he's such a good friend of hers she doesn't want to see him get hurt. She'll do whatever she can to help Garrett get his girl but it's going to be difficult when Leanne is fighting to keep him away from a girl she doesn't think deserves to have him.

  • John O'Callaghan

    John O'Callaghan


    John is very madly in love with his girlfriend Alyssa and is one of Garrett's best friends. He thinks everyone should be able to make their own mistakes so they can learn from them but then again, he knows what drama can do to a relationship just as much as Alyssa does.

  • Jared Monaco

    Jared Monaco


    Jared is another of Garrett's best friends. He just kind of wishes all his friends' relationships weren't so overdramatic. He has more drama in his life from his friends' relationships than his own.

  • Pat Kirch

    Pat Kirch


    Pat has watched John end up with a girl after so much drama and Kennedy end up with a girl after no drama at all. So, all in all, he's more confused than anyone about what Garrett should do. But if it makes his bassist happy, he's not all that bothered really. He cares about his friend enough to know that butting out is probably the best option. And until Garrett needs him, that's what he'll do.

  • Caleb Brooks

    Caleb Brooks


    Caleb has worked with Leanne and Alyssa for almost three years now. Ever since Leanne had a huge panic attack and hurled abuse at him down the phone, they've been quite good friends (however odd that may sound). He doesn't really know the boys that well but he's about to become involved in their lives a whole lot more.