
  • Sonia Rose Hitori/ S88 Destroyer

    Sonia Rose Hitori/ S88 Destroyer


    Sonia was created by an evil scientist merely for the sport of doing so. Mixed with a tiger and a Nile Crocodile, among many unstable chemicals that have fused with her blood, she is her creator's only living experiment and is treated less than dirt when he is around. Kept in a cage for her entire life, she has never seen the outside world and doesn't know of the lesser evils that are outside of her small dark cage. Her split personality gives her a weakness and an advantage. The dominant persona, named Sonia, is shy, quiet and withdrawn, so unlike the animals she was fused with. Though the other personality, deemed S88 Destroyer, is animalistic and longs to gain the power to take control of the body and kill anyone in her path