
  • Kitten



    Brown hair, brown eyes. Addicted to flames and to the study of how fire can be managed without being burned. It depends on her mood on whether she tries to follow the Rules or not. She's a deep-down Rebel but puts on an obedient, innocent-citizen-of-Monten persona so as not to get into trouble. Best friends with Hexa and Resh, because they're the only friends that decided to stick around.

  • Lune



    Dark hair, hazel eyes. He's labeled an Outcast at school because he acts a bit different. Not rebel different, just... not like everyone else. He knows all the rules and obeys them as best he can but falls completely for Kitten, probably the most obvious rebel there is in Monten. His parents are Ordermen, and he wants to please them as much as he wants to avoid them. He's brilliant and good-looking and is really good with building things. He's a genius when it comes to science or mechanics. Really polite and good friends with Sorin, the Rules and Regulations Teacher, but most of that is just so he survives, not because he really wants to.

  • Hexa



    Wavy, shoulder length light brown hair with blond streaks down the sides and back. A weapon maker and disguiser. She's always prepared, whether it be with a first aid kit or silverware, she'll pull it out of a pocket or bag whenever you need it. She's also a rebel like Kitten, particularly because weapons aren't allowed in Monten. But without them, she and her friends might be dead. She can seem so bubbly and happy but then she can have really bad days, and you don't want to be on her bad side then. She tends to be more aggressive than the rest of her friends. If there's a challenge, she embraces it without question.

  • Resh



    Short, dark brown hair always half-pulled back by an orange ribbon in a ponytail with the rest left down. Loves spicy foods. She isn't as rebellious as Hexa or Kitten, which is one reason they're all still alive. She hardly ever breaks rules out in the open. She usually doesn't get enough sleep because of some digital game or book she's reading. She loves laughing and eats a lot because she's always hungry. She's still really skinny, though, probably because she never sits still. She's very competitive and doesn't give up easily, especially on friends.