
  • Katarina Cruz

    Katarina Cruz


    Personality: funny, smart, has an attitude problem and a short temper. Background: Katarina just lost her mother and is now being sent to live with her father. She hate's the idea of living with him but it beats living in a foster home.

  • Elle Baker

    Elle Baker


    Personality: Laid back, down to earth, caring, kind, sweet, trusts easily. Background: Elle is the little sister to Zacky Baker or Zacky Vengeance, she's known the guys all her life and is really close with them all. Elle is the good one between her and Zack, even though if you hurt her family or friends than she's not afraid to hurt the person back which Zacky hates. Elle considers all the guys to be her big brothers as they all act like it, no body hurts Elle and gets away with it.