
  • Spencer Leigh Cadwell

    Spencer Leigh Cadwell


    If there was ever a person in this great world of fame fortune and complete failure that could live among a place she didn't belong, oblivious to her surroundings, and survive, it would be Spencer Cadwell. Spencer is beautiful, with long auburn hair and golden eyes that set nearly every boy at her old school's heart on fire. But she isn't transferring schools junior year for a boyfriend. She is going into her very first year at the elite private school, Everwood Academy of the Arts, with a smile on her face, less weight on her shoulders than if she would have been running for president. But Spencer has absolutely no idea what she is in for. Not only is Everwood full of hidden secrets, but full of students with nothing better to do with their lives then to make Spencer's stay at Everwood a living Hell. Yet Spencer is strong, determined, and independent, something that the Everwood Elite Bitches aren't ready for... but a certain boy with an eerie secret himself might just have been waiting for all along.

  • Darrien Irene Castaneda

    Darrien Irene Castaneda


    It's Darrien's second year at Everwood, and all she is hoping for is a new beginning. After the death of her elder sister, she utlimately wants nothing to do with the sneaky, backstabbing Everwood Elite that sent Izabel over the edge. Yet the arrival of the Cadwell siblings might make her change her mind all over again, or will it? There is just something about Jack Cadwell that she can't seem to stay away from, something about his cynical sense of humor and gorgeous hazel eyes that has her drawn. And Jack, so Darrien thinks, might just be her only way out of the Everwood Elite's strong grasp; and also, finally, a reason to move on.

  • Grayson Gabriel German

    Grayson Gabriel German


    Grayson is the life of the party 99.9% of the time. He is funny, sweet, charming, and gorgeous at the least. He's one of the nicest guys ever to set foot into the halls of Everwood Academy, yet might just be the first to ever leave... and it could all be because of none other than Spencer Cadwell, the seemingly innocent, new, pretty girl with a whole lot of baggage hidden beneath her skin. Grayson is timid, but still, getting behind Spencer's demeanor is something that he longs for. After all, siblings stick together, right? And baby sis Gemma might just have a plan up her sleeve to set Grayson on full blast.

  • Asa Christopher Schuyler

    Asa Christopher Schuyler


    Asa is best friends with the most popular guys at Everwood. After all, Deacon, Sam, Henry, Nate, Grayson and himself were a force to be reckoned with. Although Asa's reputation was known to be the partying type, his sincerity and charming ways left girls head over heels for him. Yet like everyone else at Everwood Academy, there is a lot more to boarding school life than heavy text books and late night study sessions. The dark, mysterious secrets and crazy past lives of the Everwood students is something that no one has known about for years, but will soon figure out. And it's all because of her.

  • Leigh Anna Townshend

    Leigh Anna Townshend


    Leigh is beautiful, known by most of Everwood as a real life Barbie. But she wasn't always so perfect. No, before the Academy, before befriending the Everwood Elite, before becoming one of them, and before eventually being dropped away from the group for seemingly no apparent reason, Leigh had a past just like the rest of them. Only this time, nobody's secrets are safe. And even the toughest exterior can't fight back the truth.

  • Ashton Rea Delaware

    Ashton Rea Delaware


    Ashton, like many others, just wants to be part of the Everwood Elite. They were everything she could dream of; beautiful, rich, wealthy, perfection. But being part of such a crowd, in the long run, might not be as good as it seems from afar. The Elite girls have secrets -- darker secrets than anyone else at the Academy -- that could very possibly ruin the lives of anyone and everyone relating to the school. But Ashton has her eye out, making sure that the Elite stays far away from the lifelines of the school, and especially making sure that Spencer Cadwell doesn't get dragged into the evil black pit known as the Everwood Elite.

  • Henry Mason O'Costa

    Henry Mason O'Costa


    Henry is almost too smart for his own good, leading Everwood Academy with a 4.034321 grade point average, and an unbelievable record for nailing countless girls. Not only does Henry have the brains and the money, but his looks and cynical humor makes him one of the most eligible eyes on campus. But he only has eyes for Spencer, the new girl in town. Yet, when push comes to shove, it should only be obvious that the good guy doesn't always neccessarily get the girl he wants.

  • Emmett Chandler Thomason

    Emmett Chandler Thomason


    Emmett is Deacon's older brother. During his high school career at Everwood, Emmett was royalty. Now, he wants nothing more than for his brother to fall in his footsteps, and maybe even make the prints a little larger; bigger shoes to fill. Even though Emmett is graduated and done with high school for good, though, he loves spending time with Deacon and his friends, most importantly, the young, fresh high school girls.

  • Kennedy Louise Fairchild

    Kennedy Louise Fairchild


    Kennedy is friendly and sweet and befriends Mia Cadwell almost immediately. It is her first year at Everwood, and ending up with a kind roomate is exactly what she had hoped for. But, then again, as the younger sister of the notorious new girl on the floor, Mia might come with a lot more baggage and drama then Kennedy had originally planned.

  • Samuel Henrik Schlosberg

    Samuel Henrik Schlosberg


    Sam has been dating one of the members of the infamous Everwood Elite for nearly a year, and couldn't as for a better life. With Gemma by his side, and Nate Hemingway and Deacon Thomason in his acquaintance, Sam thinks he has it all. But could one girl change it all? Could she really be the solution that Everwood Academy has been hoping for for so long, or could she just make everyone's secret, awful lives of hidden troubles that much worse? Well, Sam Schlosberg and nearly every other Everwood student is about to find it out.