
  • Diana



    After her grandmother's death Diana moved in with an old friend of her mother's. But why does she have the feeling that she can't trust him even though he's the most normal persona in the entire household? As a halfblood Diana is also finding it extremely difficult to choose between two worlds for fear of being rejected by either. And then there is the enigmatic Max who hates her 'tainted' blood but for what reason?

  • Theo



    Theo is truthful, kind and gentle but recently he's been involved with a group of his own kind who have led him to walk a path he always forbid himself to. He's losing his sense of self in the process as he adopts their twisted mindset. In a lucid moment he appointed Max as his watchdog; should he stray from his chosen path Max has the order to eliminate him but has he made a mistake in choosing his close friend for this task?

  • Greta


    Although Greta died when she was an old woman she prefers the form of herself when she was in her early teens. She is nostalgic and a bit bitter about the old days.She does wish to pass on but she does not know what is keeping her anchored to a world she no longer belongs in.

  • Selene


    Very few know of Selene's origins or what exactly she is looking for in the human world. She's terrified of conflict and gives off the appearance of fragility and weakness. She rarely speaks to anyone and disappears for days on end at times. Diana soon starts to suspect what Selene truly is and must fight against the clock to unravel Selene's secrets before Fanquin does.

  • Alexi


    The quickest to show emotion, Alexi is volatile and exudes danger. In his tempers he only listens to Fanquin which hardly endears him to Diana who he's strangely drawn to. He distrusts her greatly for her 'tainted' blood but at the same time aims to impress her. Theo has made him swear to something he's starting to regret. Will he be able to carry out his promise and his revenge even if it involves the death of his closest friend and his first love?