
  • Jinxx.



    Jinxx is Ashlin's friend and Sammi Doll's boyfriend that she loves very much and calls Jinxxy all the time. He was born on January 7th, 1985 and his real name is Jeremy Ferguson, but prefers that you don't call him that. He's the rhythm guitar player of Black Veil Brides and loves his band mates and all his friends. He likes playing guitar with Ashlin and is teaching her to play some of the BVB songs, currently working on "We stitch these wounds". He's on tour with his band and has also popped Tate one in the face for hitting Ashlin in front of him. He really doesn't like a man that thinks it's okay to put his hands on a woman and really wants Ashlin to leave him. Officially lives in Hollywood with his girlfriend.

  • Ashley Purdy.

    Ashley Purdy.


    Ashley is Ashlin's friend and he calls her lil'Ash, which makes Ashlin smile every time she hears it. She loves Ashley for his personality and he loves Ashlin for her awesomeness as he plainly puts it. He was born on January 28th, 1986 and is the bass player for Black Veil Brides. He's into Playboy type women and loves pasting naked photos of women on his bass guitars, which Ashlin finds amusing and she's pretty sure the BVB fans do too. Ashley has no respect for Tate and would like more than anything to break his face for the way he treats Ashlin because Ashlin doesn't deserve the way he treats her. Now lives in Hollywood, CA.

  • Christian Coma.

    Christian Coma.


    Christian is Ashlin's friend and the new drummer of Black Veil Brides as of September and everyone calls him CC. He was born on April 21st, 1984 and is a very hyperactive guy with a love for food and drumming. Ashlin loves Christian and he always knows how to put a smile on her face when she's feeling down. He loves being in Black Veil Brides and loves touring and meeting fans and even though he replaced her, he loves Sandra, the old BVB drummer and they're really good friends. Just like everyone else, he doesn't like Tate and even though he hasn't known him that long, he wishes he never met that piece of shit. He lives with his girlfriend Brittan in Hollywood, CA, but has been with the guys out in Cincinnati since their summer tour ended and he officially became part of the band.

  • Scout Taylor-Compton.

    Scout Taylor-Compton.


    Scout is Ashlin's friend and Andy's ex-girlfriend as of March and they had been together for a year and a half until they started fighting all the time. Scout didn't like that he was spending all his time in the studio working on his band's first album and very little time with her. Her constant bitching and a final remark that crossed a line made Andy leave her and move in with his bass player. Ashlin had a talk with her and found out something very interesting and heart braking about why Scout cause things to end between the two. She's the singer of her own band called Rose Red and she's an actress, having starred in Rob Zombie's Halloween movies. She was born on February 21st, 1989 and her real name is Desariee Starr Compton, but she prefers Scout. She loves her animals and is very attached to them and so does Ashlin, who especially loves Scout's cat Copper. Scout hates Tate and always has ever since the day she met him when she moved to Hollywood with Andy from Cincinnati. She loves Ashlin very much, her being like a sister to her and she gets very angry and emotional when she hears that Tate has beat her up again.

  • Sammi Doll.

    Sammi Doll.


    Sammi is Ashlin's friend and Jinxx's girlfriend that he loves very much and hates to be away from, but he loves to tour with his band. Sammi is in her own band called My Satellite and is a professional photographer. She loves Ashlin and thinks of her as a sister and she hates how Tate treats her and gets really upset whenever she's told that Tate has hit her again. She's tried to attack Tate only to be grabbed and carried out of the room by her boyfriend to calm down. She just like Max constantly begs Ashlin to leave that asshole and tells her she doesn't deserve to be treated like shit and abused by him. She also tells her that she could do so much better and can find a man that will actually treat her the way she should be treated like Max. She leaves the Max part out even though she thinks they would be perfect for each other.

  • Tate Griffin.

    Tate Griffin.


    Tate is Ashlin's now ex-boyfriend, but he doesn't know that yet and is going to be very pissed when he finds out, but there's nothing he can do about it since Ashlin will have a very angry best friend protecting her. He loves Ashlin even though it's really hard for anyone to believe that because he hits her and treats her like crap for false reasons. Knowing Max wrote the song Ashley about Ashlin bothered him, but he told himself it was nothing. Then Tate first got the feeling Ashlin was possibly cheating on him when he saw the Escape the Fate music video for "Something" that Ashlin got to be in and saw Max kiss her. He pushed that thought to the back of his mind again and didn't let it bother him since Max is just her best friend, but finally snapped seeing Andy asleep with his head in his girlfriend's lap while she ran her fingers through his hair. He knows all of Ashlin's friends hate him and he really doesn't give a ***.

  • Ronald Joseph Radke.

    Ronald Joseph Radke.


    Ronnie is one of Ashlin's closest friends and the ex-singer of Escape the Fate, but the new singer to his new band Falling In Reverse. He's known Ashlin as long as Max has, just seven days less and he loves her like a little sister. He was born on December 15th, 1983 and is exactly one year older than Max. He's in prison for the time being and has been for about two years, but is due to be released on December 12th and Ashlin is very glad for that. She's counting down the days until she gets to see him and give him a well deserved ass whooping for getting himself into so much trouble. Ronnie is not very good friends with Max anymore or anyone in Escape the Fate, but hopefully Ashlin can do something to change that. Ronnie doesn't know about Tate's abuse on Ashlin, but is going to be extremely pissed when he finds out.

  • Falling In Reverse.

    Falling In Reverse.

    Falling in Reverse is Ronnie Radke's new band and it consists of Jacky Vincent who plays guitar, Nason Schoeffler who plays bass, Derek Jones who also plays guitar, and Scott Gee who plays drums. Ashlin became friends with the guys since she's Ronnie's friend and she talks to Nason a lot especially about Ronnie. The boys are due to head to Orlando, Florida to record their first album soon after Ronnie is released from prison.

  • Leila Rose Mabbitt.

    Leila Rose Mabbitt.


    Leila is the daughter of Craig Mabbitt and Gabrielle Frosinos and she is highly adored by Ashlin and well… just about everyone because she's so cute. She was born on October 27th, 2006 and she's a very energetic little girl, who loves her daddy very much. Ashlin loves this little girl and loves spending time with her and Leila loves Ashlin just as much. Leila even threw a shoe at Tate, hitting him on the head for being a "meany" to Ashlin for no reason. Leila loves going to Escape the Fate shows to see her daddy perform on stage and sometimes gets brought out on stage during a song, which she finds to be very fun.

  • Gabrielle Frosinos.

    Gabrielle Frosinos.


    Gabrielle is Ashlin's friend, Craig's ex-girlfriend, and Leila's mother and she is mainly referred to as Gab by all her friends. Craig and Gab have been on and off for awhile in their relationship, pretty much ever since Leila was born, but she's hoping to start over soon and make it work this time because she does love him. Ashlin knows Gab loves Craig and is willing to help her out in anyway especially since she knows that Craig still loves Gab very much. Gab also knows something about Max, Craig, and Ashlin that no one else knows about since Ashlin couldn't keep it from her because Gab loves Craig and Ashlin loves Gab like a sister. Gab was really shocked by what Ashlin told her at first, but then she started to laugh and couldn't believe it even though she knew she wasn't lying. Gab wasn't bothered by it and loves to tease Craig about it all the time when no except Max and Ashlin are around to hear her, but you'll have to wait and find out just what it is.