
  • Anthony John Lovato.

    Anthony John Lovato.


    Tony is Ashlin's friend and Craig's best friend and the singer of one of Ashlin's favorite bands named Mest that is no longer together (Ashlin is still sad about that). When Ashlin first met him, she couldn't suppress her inner fan-girl and shout "Oh my god! I Love You, Tony!" only for Max to grab her, shake her a bit by the shoulders and made her do some breathing exercises with him. She then cleared her throat before turning to Tony with a smile and said "Hi, it's nice to meet you. My name is Ashlin." Tony couldn't help but laugh and pull her into a tight hug, saying "I'm going to love this girl." Tony is another one of Ashlin's friends that has gotten in a fight with Tate and it wasn't because he saw him hit her. When they came over to Tony's to hang with everyone and Ashlin walked up to him to give him a hug, he could see a black eye right through her makeup. He became extremely pissed and gave her a tight hug before he stormed out of his house and beat the shit out of Tate right on his front lawn.

  • Brittan Elizabeth.

    Brittan Elizabeth.


    Brittan is CC's girlfriend and they've been dating for a few months. She lives in Hollywood and was pretty sad when Christian said he was going back to Cincinnati with the band now that they were off tour and can't wait for him to come visit her some time soon. She is also another person that has heard a lot about Addison and even though she meant no harm by it, she is the one that opened her mouth and told Scout that Andy constantly talks about Addison, which caused Scout to really think over some things.