
  • Rebecca Hall

    Rebecca Hall


    Rebecca's always been the type to keep to herself, just milling around the edges with her best friend, Robin. It's not that she's a complete social leper, she'd just rather have one great friend than thirty backstabbing ones she barely knows. She's pretty much your average band fanatic, all skinny jeans and hoodies and loose tees that you can sleep in, and she's never really been one for serious situations, preferring to push them to the side and laugh until she can't ignore it for any longer. She loves Blink-182 and bath products, and likes to consider herself a somewhat good photographer. Rebecca, like everyone else in high school, can't wait for it to end and her real life to begin.

  • Robin Butler

    Robin Butler


    Robin's that one girl who everyone her own age thinks is weird, and everyone older just smiles a little bemusedly and turns away. She's sarcastic to the point of being mean, but that's okay - anyone who doesn't appreciate her sense of humour shouldn't be her friend anyway. For all her Nirvana t-shirts and doesn't-give-a-*** attitude though, she's got her whole (and rather successful and lucrative life, might I add) planned out and she's dead-set on getting it. She's got a slight case of OCD and is known to be rather judgmental and stubborn, but most of the time when she realises her mistake she'll admit it.

  • Zoe Garrett

    Zoe Garrett


    Zoe's the new kid at Dulaney this year, but she's already being welcomed in like the best. Sure, she's pretty, but she's not exactly your typical cheerleader. She's shy, naive, and so nice it's almost painful, always doing the right thing and telling the truth for 'the greater good'. She loves nail polish and bands like Blink-182 and New Found Glory, and she's absolutely terrified of the future. Everything right up until now has worked out, mainly because it wasn't her planning it, just her parents, but she has no idea what she's going to do after high school ends and she's thrust out into the world by herself. For now, she's just letting all that sit under the surface, because there's still time - right?

  • Brittany Lucas

    Brittany Lucas


    Brittany is, and always has been, the undisputed queen of Dulaney High School. She's blonde, beautiful, and head cheerleader; what more is there? She's rich and seemingly vapid, but Brittany downplays herself most of the time, sometimes not even realising it. She's obsessed with movies and TV and could go on for hours about the merits of David Fincher and the absolute tragedy that is Ryan Murphy, and the room most people think is her closet is actually split in two: half for clothes, half for DVD's. She's honestly never felt particularly special or talented, especially next to her perfect older sister, Laura, and she knows that she won't have anything going for her as soon as high school ends. She'll work something out though; she always does.

  • Lauren Dufresne

    Lauren Dufresne


    In the social pyramid of Dulaney High School, Lauren Dufresne is second to just one- Brittany Lucas. Nobody's really sure why, especially as the only thing Lauren cares much about is getting into Yale, but now that her college applications are practically cinched and she's spending so much time around the rest of the social elite at Dulaney, she's starting to actually want popularity.