
  • Sir Nathaniel James Gates

    Sir Nathaniel James Gates


    Born 1521 and spending his entire mortal life as a vampire slayer, Nathaniel Gates was in fact infected by a vampire in an attack on a coven in 1547. Although spending most of his vampire years living a nomadic lifestyle he has been in multiple covens including the notable Nocte Viros coven of Italy, the oldest and largest coven in existance today, with whom he spent 23 years - the longest time he has spent with any coven - until leaving in 1903. No one knows his motivations for leaving but Sir Gates has never got on well with others. Many have argued his poor ability to coexist with others is due to a combination of his natural view of mortal humans as nothing more than food (a side effect of the vampire condition) and a trace of his mortal-lifelong hatred for vampires passing into his immortal life but others, who believe a vampire retains no traits of their human life, think he is simply a "loner." Sir Gates is currently believed to be living under the name of "Nathan" in Brighton, East Sussex.