
  • Zuri Udiya Hoshiko (kid)

    Zuri Udiya Hoshiko (kid)


    Art/image belongs to me. I did it myself. My deviantART: - + - + - + - + - + - + - + - + - + - + - + - + - + - + - + - + - + - + - + - + - + - + - + - + - + - + - + -«3 Tears of Love Sasuke Uchiha Love Story 1st Character Profile - + - + - + - + - + - + - + - + - + - + - + - + - + - + - + - + - + - + - + - + - + - + - + - + - + - + - + -«3 My name is Zuri Udiya Hoshiko. It means beautiful fire star. I come from the clan Hoshiko. Oh and I'm a genin already umm back to the subject. Every Hoshiko gets a mark behind their neck when their kekkei genkai awakens. Mostly all my friends and family know about my mark so I'm not shy to show it to people. I got my mark when I turned three. My powers awakened faster than any other Hoshiko. Every other person in my family was more surprised my powers awakened faster more than my parents. People from this clan have a very special kekkei genkai. Our "Hoshiko eye" main power is a little bit like the Sharigan. We're good at genjutsu. Like very good. Our kekkei genkai also allows us to copy another person's kekkei genkai for about 2-4 hours when you mastered it completely. The downside is that if we use it to much or continuingly we start coughing up blood and can get majorly sick for a week. We get sick by having a high temperature and either throwing up or coughing blood which leads to blood lost. Right now I'm only eight years old so if you ask why I talk a little childish, now you know why. I have a lot of power but not only that. I have things not all Hokshiko's have. One is that I hold more special abilities than other people from my clan. I can read minds and talk to them telepathically if I want to. Hoshiko's are also very good at controlling the elements fire, genjutsu, and wind. Our clan is good at the other elements but just average. Hoshiko's are also mostly known as reapers for silent killings and dark powers that some of our Hoshiko's have. Although since I'm still eight every time I try to use telepathy I end up hearing everyone and well it's a big fail. But I'm still learning how to do a lot of things because I'm still only eight. But I can talk or write very umm perfectly but not always. Hokshiko's mostly learn quickly. The second reason I am more powerful is because I am the Hoshiko Princess. I am the heiress to our clan and I will lead my people in the future once I'm older. Since our clan is very powerful, evil people look for me to try to get my power and my clan's too. One thing I love about being the Hoshiko Princess is that my eyes change color on my mood when it gets very like sentimental. For example: ~red eyes when I'm really mad ~black eyes when I'm calm but black is my natural eye color or happy ~pink or purple eyes when I am majorly in love or when someone embarrasses me ~white eyes when I'm really sad ~blue eyes with a mix of yellow when I'm really confused There is another Hoshiko power that my parents told me I'll get when either I'll feel loneliness, hatred, and sadness. I really don't want to feel any of that so I don't care if I don't get that power. I don't want to feel loneliness because I love my friends and family. My likes is mostly everything and my dislikes is well nothing. My family is very weird. My dad actually told me that at least one person from every other clan is my cousin, aunt, uncle, or grandparents. This means I have a lot of family members. Hoshiko families are very weird but I can understand because my family started from a god. So that's why our clan is mostly related to everyone but not everyone. For example one of my uncles is Kakashi Hatake. He isn't my real uncle by blood but he is my uncle because the clan I am from. So let's get to who I'm living with now okay? My family I'm living with now is my mom, my dad, and my older brother Yashiku. Yashiku is 17 years old. I actually have another brother. I think his name is Naruto Uzumaki but I'm not sure. I barely knew him for a year. My mom told me he had a demon in him and my mother didn't want me to get hurt so we left my brother and my other father too. My mom didn't have my other brother. My other father had him with another woman so he basically cheated on my mom. But one thing I know is that my other father was very nice though. I wish I could be with my other brother but my mother didn't want me to be near that "disgraced and evil brother of mine" as my mom said. So we left and I became a Hoshiko when my mom remarried another man. This was when I met Yashiku. Even though he is not my real brother by blood he always treats me like I'm his real sister. He is always kind because he said he always wished he had a younger sister. I know you're wondering how I have all these special powers when I'm not naturally a Hoshiko. Well when my mother remarried my other father, he said that to make me his true daughter of his family he gave me some power of his and also made this small cut on my arm to fuse some of my blood with his. After that I then got a mark of like stars near or on my belly button. Then with that I was an official Hoshiko, I got more special abilities then other people from my clan, and I became the Hoshiko Princess. The princess part just came in, my mother said I was the "sweet child the gods chose to give power". Also the Hoshiko clan is as powerful as the Hyuuga clan and Uchiha clan. Wait I'm actually great buddies with the Uchiha's and right now I also live in Konoha, hopefully I can live here for some time until someone chases me for power out of this wonderful small village. Hopefully I will. - + - + - + - + - + - + - + - + - + - + - + - + - + - + - + - + - + - + - + - + - + - + - + - + - + - + - + - ✟

  • Zuri Udiya Hoshiko (teen)

    Zuri Udiya Hoshiko (teen)


    Art/Image belongs to me. I did it myself. My deviantART is: - + - + - + - + - + - + - + - + - + - + - + - + - + - + - + - + - + - + - + - + - + - + - + - + - + - + - + -«3 Tears of Love Sasuke Uchiha Love Story 2nd Character Profile - + - + - + - + - + - + - + - + - + - + - + - + - + - + - + - + - + - + - + - + - + - + - + - + - + - + - + -«3 Name: Zuri Udiya Hoshiko Meaning of Name: Beautiful(Zuri) Fire(Udiya) Star(Hoshiko) Nicknames: Zuri-Chan, Sweetie, Sis, Beautiful, Zuri-hime, Princess, Death Angel, Lonely Silly Wolf or LSW, FV for funny vampire, Vampire Ninja, Vampire Kitty, VMP for vampire ninja kitty, and Snakebite. Birthday: October 15 Age: 14 (everyone else in the story will be 13-14 except adults; Naruto is 13 so Zuri is older) Blood type: AB Siblings: - Naruto Uzumaki ; younger brother (long story; was explained in the 1st character profile and will be explained more throughout the story) -Yashiku Hoshiko; older brother (deceased; died in chapter 3) Family: -Mom and dad are deceased -Whole clan is deceased but her -The Akatsuki are like her family. Itachi and everybody else are like Zuri's older brothers. Except Konan who is like an older sister. The Akatsuki have raised Zuri since she was eight. Eight years old was when Zuri's clan was ***ed. In the story it will show how close Zuri is to the Akatsuki. - + - + - + - + - + - + - + - + - + - + - + - + - + - + - + - + - + - + - + - + - + - + - + - + - + - + - + - ♫ Looks- Eyes: Black eyes Hair: Pure jet black hair; two long parts in the front that go to her breasts and in the back all the way down to her butt Body: Nice and fit body that any guy would like and any girl would kill for (Means that you have a good bust & butt for a 14 year old) Piercings: Fake spiky snakebites on lips. Akatsuki know it's fake and why Zuri puts them on. Zuri always puts them on. Zuri didn't want to get real ones because it would pierce her skin forever. On her right ear she has four studs and on her left ear three studs. Doesn't show because of her hair. Style: Tomboyish/scene (for the ninja world ;P) Hip-hoppish style and can be girly but only when needed for example funerals. Tattoos or Marks/Scars: -Hoshiko mark behind her neck; Barely seen because of her hair -Another mark she got when she was little on her stomach; It's one star overlapping another one (just like she always has in her pictures) -Had the curse mark from Orochimaru but the Akatsuki removed the mark but she still has the power/demon -Anbu marks from the Sand, Sound, Rain, and Rock Villages. Does not have an Anbu rank or mark from the Leaf, Mist, Waterfall, Cloud, and Grass Villages. (Anbu marks are on her right arm. She hides them with her glove/arm things to cover them and surprise people with her power) -Has two scars on her left eye which is always covered by her bang. - + - + - + - + - + - + - + - + - + - + - + - + - + - + - + - + - + - + - + - + - + - + - + - + - + - + - + - ✟ Personality: Is defiantly not a morning person. Is really nice when you who her and is also fun, hyper, and lazy at times. Zuri is quiet and shy when you don't know someone. Zuri can be really mean and have a bad attitude when people mess with her friends or family. Will curse and does curse a lot. Hidan showed her this. Is really sweet though at times. Loves to get flirty with boys, friends, and her fan boys just to play around. Loves being in fights. Play fights or real fights. Lives: In Akatsuki liars but is moving back to Konoha to live there by herself. Likes: Loves music. Loves to sing and dance. People say she has a beautiful voice but only believes it when Konan or Itachi say so. Zuri actually at times sings to fight too. She can sing and knockout an opponent or put them in a genjutsu. Loves to eat sweets, loves animals, and all colors except yellow. Loves to write, draw, and to have fun. Loves to play any sport. Loves her family, the Akatsuki. Dislikes: Never likes it when people mess with her friends or family. Anything annoying. Hates fake people. The color yellow. Does not like to be woken up. Zuri does not like being treated like royalty just because she's the Hoshiko Princess. DOES NOT LIKE FAN BOYS OR FAN GIRLS. Rank: Anbu in the Sand, Sound, Rain, and Rock Villages. A genin in the Mist, Grass, and Leaf. Is a jounin in the Cloud and a chunin in the Waterfall Village. Abilities: -Hoshiko Eye: Is a little bit like the Sharigan. Allows Zuri to copy another kekkei genkai for about 2-4 hours when mastered completely which she has. The downside is that if we use it to much or continuingly we start coughing up blood and can get majorly sick for a week. We get sick by having a high temperature and either throwing up or coughing blood which leads to blood lost. Sometimes Zuri can't even see out of her eyes after using her Hoshiko eyes for too long. -Can read minds clearly now. Does not hear everyone at the same time. Can talk telepathically too. -Zuri's best elements are fire, genjutsu, and wind. Is average at the other elements. - Hoshiko's are also mostly known as reapers for silent killings and dark powers that some of our Hoshiko's have. Zuri can do silent killings and does use dark powers. People call Zuri different names but one is the Death Angel. -Very flexible and sporty. -Curse mark power that Orochimaru gave her. She had the curse mark but the Akatsuki removed it. Her cursed mark form is actually a vampire. That's why she has sharp fangs. Either in normal form or cursed form. Her power is exactly like a vampire. She barely used it but likes using it. Only drinks blood from people when she has too but usually drinks animal blood when she's thirsty. Also if Zuri bites her tongue, the blood that comes out is poisonous to other people. -Zuri now also have the power that her parents told her about. Her parents said she had to experience loneliness, hatred, and sadness. Which she all experienced, in one time when she was ten. This power is the Secret Hoshiko Curse or as Zuri calls it, "The Hell Eye" or "The ***ed Up Eye." This eye is on the left which is always covered by her bang. On this left eye she also has two scars that she earned during battle after she experienced loneliness, hatred, and sadness. Zuri does like to show this eye or even let any look at it. Zuri does NOT like using it either. What this eye does it that whenever Zuri looks at someone with her left eye she puts a death date on their head. Not literally though. For example if Zuri looked at a girl with her left eye the other person would immediately get a curse which is having a death date on their head. Zuri is the only one who can see it when she looks at that same person again. Zuri only uses her right eye in battle and for looking. Her bang covers up her eye just enough so she doesn't curse anyone. The first time Zuri didn't know what the left eye did, she killed about ten students in a school she was going to. Other- Important possessions: -The pink heart shape necklace Sasuke gave her before she left Konoha when she was eight years old. -The Akatsuki ring she got while being with the Akatsuki. -Her fake snakebites that have a special value that will be explained in the story sometime. -Loves wearing masks. To either hide her face or just for fun. -A tiara Konan gave Zuri when she turned twelve. It represent that she is the Hoshiko Princess. Zuri only wears it at special occasions. Does not like wearing it all the time because she could break it and because people will try to chase her down if they find out she the Hoshiko Princess. - + - + - + - + - + - + - + - + - + - + - + - + - + - + - + - + - + - + - + - + - + - + - + - + - + - + - + -«3