
  • Mackenzie Jade Benson

    Mackenzie Jade Benson


    Mackenzie had lived a rough childhood, but finally escaped to Huntington Beach, California with her mother from her verbally and physically abusive father. There, at the age of 12, she met her best friend James Owen Sullivan -- Jimmy, for short -- then, later on, she met Brian Haner Jr. and Matt Sanders. The three boys helped her forget about her horrible past and taught her to love and forgive. Even though, Mackenzie's feelings for Jimmy grew, she kept them hidden as to not ruin their friendship. But when they decide to go on tour and take Valary DiBenedetto (Matt's girlfriend) instead of her, she was completely hurt and felt absolutely rejected. She had been there for them for the start; helping them get the money they needed to do shows and pay for new equipment. While on tour, she stopped texting them and distanced herself. She made herself believe that everyone that says hello, will eventually say goodbye. But then when her father returns, she needs them more than ever, but they're still on tour. Now, Mackenzie became a drug addict and an alcoholic to escape her reality and to forget about her problems. But when the boys return, they try to set her back on the right track before she completely destroys herself.

  • Savannah Ronaldson

    Savannah Ronaldson


    Savannah is Mackenzie's 'friend' and drug dealer/alcohol retriever. The boys try to separate the two, knowing that Savannah is bad news for Mackenzie, but they fail to do so due to Mackenzie sneaking around behind their backs. Savannah is rude and destructive. She has no respect for anything or anyone and is somehow always getting Mackenzie into trouble to save her own ass. She also convinced Mackenzie drop out in her Senior year to come join her on drug runs and boozing parties. Needless to say, Savannah introduced Mackenzie to her new life and only uses her for shark bait. Behind Mackenzie's back, she hates her and is always talking trash about her.

  • Cathy Benson

    Cathy Benson


    Mother of Mackenzie. She was the one who wanted to keep her daughter and would not condone to her husband's wishes to abort her. Her strong-willed personality made her a fiery ball of attitude and helped her survive the torturous years with her husband. When her and her daughter escaped Ohio to move to California, she thought it was finally over. But when her husband returns, she realizes that she cannot move on from her terrible choices. Now, she does everything she can to protect Mackenzie and try to help her get free from her father's clutches.

  • John Benson

    John Benson


    Father of Mackenzie. An abusive, alcoholic asshole that never wanted any kind of kid to be in his life. He finds that Mackenzie is just another bother to him and constantly beats her to remind her that she is nothing to him. He also constantly beats his wife for disobeying him and letting the kid into his life. But he will never leave them because he knows, somewhere deep inside, that he will never have another family like this.