
  • Kasey Marie Tanley

    Kasey Marie Tanley


    kasey marie tanley: born august 23rd, 1990, on the country side in spain. her father being spanish and her mother from the uk, kase never understood why she was never quite tan, but with the years she's accepted herself and loved it more and more. she's finally 20 and soon-to-be-a-fashion designer, well when she finishes school! she's loud and obnoxious, and always says what's on her mind. kase is a rebel, she never does what anyone tells her to do, skipping classes, not listening to a teacher's advice and especially not going with her parents. they split last year, by the way, because of this huge accident. no one ever dares to talk about it and to everyone it was clear, that's when kase first really started to do her own thing. kase has been to america before, but quickly moved back to a small town in germany with her mom.