
  • Coral Anne Plath

    Coral Anne Plath


    Corrie; has a younger half-sister, Olive; is in the foster system because of her step-father; the first born daughter of Margarita Plath-Howard and Carter Plath; her father, Carter, passed away when she was two in a plane crash; loves her younger sister Liv beyond a doubt; never came around to liking her step-father, Elliot, but respected him because she loved her mother; she was four when her Mom remarried to Elliot and six when her younger sister, Olive, was born; wouldn't wish her worst enemy to have to deal with being a foster child; before when everything was okay and her Mom was still alive they had a nice comfortable life; loves to ride but can't anymore because she doesn't want to get attached to have it ripped away from her; just wants to take care of her only living immediate family member; has to go on trail to prove her Elliot did *** her mother and make her sister become a vegitable; is so happy that she is still alive; wants her old life back; has the kind of personality that makes people gravitate towards her; was popular at her old school but always had time for her sister; has been out with plenty of guys and is no longer a virgin; birthday is July thirteenth; born in Boston, Massachusetts but moved to Santa Monica, California when she was five; considers herself an East Coast girl more than anything; her best friend is Brooklyn Jane Hart; she wants more than anything to be with her sister; does randomly hook up with guys; has a crush on Ryan Gosling; doesnt want a serious relationship

  • Olive Green Howard

    Olive Green Howard


    Olive was born October 31, 4 years into the marriage of her father Elliot Howard and Margarita Plath-Howard. She was a special little gift to her first time father and was his precious little girl, until when near her tenth birthday in the middle of August, her father committed ***, a near double homicide when he also went to kill the little girl he had once held so precious to him. Escaping the trial as a 'grieving father' Elliot thus escaped from the state in shame and horror, fearing being discovered and seeing the trauma he caused his step-daughter and baby girl Elliot has not been seen since. Olive escaped with serious head trauma due to a bullet gong into her head but is now contained to a hospital bed, unable to move, yet still thinking, lost in a coma everyone fears she will not wake up from. With no living relatives of legal age and lawyers demanding her be kept on life support Olive has time to think, but, how much time is left before the doctors force the lawyers to see sense and take the poor girl off life support and let her "slip away"?

  • Margarita Elena Plath-Howard

    Margarita Elena Plath-Howard


    newly deceased; her first husband, Carter, called her 'Maggie' but her second husband, Elliot, calls her 'Marge'; has two daughters, Coral and Olive; was ***ed by her second husband for somethign he thought she had done; worked as a doctor; married Carter when she was thirty, had Coral when she was thirty two, married Elliot when she was thirty six, and had Olive when she was thirty eight; a really good and loving mother/wife; she would gladly do anything for her daughters; loved both of her husbands equally; never took one day of her life for granted; has no siblings and her mother is deceased while her father is in a nursing home; she was both strict but let her daughters get away with certain things; didnt know that Coral wasn't a virgin; treated both of her daughters equally and loved them both the same; wanted the best for them.

  • Elliot Charles Howard

    Elliot Charles Howard


    married to Margarita Plath-Howard, has a step-daughter named Coral, and a daughter named Olive with Marge; ***ed his wife, and put his own daughter in the hospital while landing his step-daughter into foster care; now he is on the run from the law; didn't mean to kill his wife because he does love her but snapped because he suspects her of having had an affair with his best friend; would do anything for his daughters; even though Corrie isn't really his, he treats her like a daughter and tries to get along with her for Marge's sake; his daughter, Olive, is the apple of his eye; works as the Chief of Medicine which is where he met Marge.

  • Tamish Bells

    Tamish Bells


    Tamish comes into the sisters lives as tragedy strikes and Olive is thrown into the hospital. Well Olive still lies in a coma he begins pouring his heart out to the immobile girl, and every night he goes home and tells his boyfriend of 15 years all about her. By taking on Olive, Tamish is throwing his heart into the small hands of a delicate, comatose, 10 year old girl. Will she accept that he loves her like a father, or will she turn her back on him the second her father is back in town?