
  • Julia Clearwater

    Julia Clearwater


    Jules has her own way of looking at the world, and of dealing with her problems. At the age of sixteen when her parents get separated, it leaves a hole in her heart that is healed when she finds out she's pregnant with her boyfriend Jake's child. The workings of her mind tend to drive those around her crazy, but she's the kind of person that makes everyone around her feel protective of her, unintentionally. At 22, she's a devoted mother to Celeste, still best friends with Cody. Though he's all she still dreams about, Jules, going with the alias of Katrina Miller, dreads ever meeting Jake face to face again. She feels solely responsible for all the pain she's caused both of them, plus she doesn't think Jake's every going to want her back again. Jake's popularity tends to drive her up the wall more than once, though she tries keeping it under control.

  • Jake Hall

    Jake Hall


    Socially, Jake was always the cool, charming popular guy. He's done it all before he met Julia. There was something about her that had always drawn him in and when he finds out she's pregnant, he's so in love with her that he's ready to give up everything for their future. At times he finds it difficult to read her mind, understand what goes through it, and deal with how stubborn she is, but he'd rather spend his life trying to catch up with her than lose her. At 23, he's achieved more fame and fortune than most can dream of. He's become the object of every girl's desire, and every guy's ambition. Julia's breaking up with him left him hurt, which causes him to go through a personality change. He's become the ultimate playboy, refusing to believe in the depth of a relationship further than a one night stand, especially since he is aware he gave his heart away a long time ago. When he meets his daughter Celeste, he instantly feels fatherly and protective of her even though he's ignorant about their relation.

  • Cody Evans

    Cody Evans


    The ultimate best friend, he'd put his life on stake for Julia. He's had a crush on her since childhood, and now that she turns up suddenly in his life again, pregnant, with a loving boyfriend, Cody finds it hard to deal how changed she is, but loves her nevertheless. He has major personality change when he finally gets over her though. He's more open, less introverted, flirts a lot and finally finds himself. He tried making his relationship with Laura work after Julia left, and even stayed beside her all through her pregnancy, but they decided to split once his son Tommy was born. He now loves Jules like a sister, the way she had always wanted it. He's a doting, affectionate father to Tom though he often appears to be annoyed by him. He thinks of Celeste as his own daughter, and isn't entirely too comfortable with the idea of Jake back in Julia's life since he doesn't want her to be hurt again.