
  • Tuomas Vuorinen

    Tuomas Vuorinen


    Tuomas is unbearably shy most of the time. He’s awkward and inarticulate so he spends a lot of time in silence taking in what others say. He often voices his response in affirmative or dissenting sound effects like “mm” “mmph” and “um”. He grew up in a single parent household in Espoo. His mother is/was an alcoholic and from the time he was very young she would get wasted and he would have to take care of her, clean up after her etc. He has always had a very old soul and been far more mature than he wanted to be from a young age. He has a silly side which came out more when he was a child and he would come to visit his cousin Jukka in Helsinki. It still comes out occasionally with Jukka. He is in love with Jan, or was for a while, but after getting involved in an abusive relationship with Jan he has trouble feeling anything for him other than pity. He has poor circulation so he shivers a lot and wears unseasonably warm clothing to keep his body temperature up.

  • Jukka Pellonpaa

    Jukka Pellonpaa


    Jukka is a pretty upbeat guy. He grew up in a single parent household in Helsinki, hanging out with his friends and cousin Tuomas. He’s very athletic and enjoys physical exercise. When he was in high school he played hockey as well as football (soccer). He has all the potential to be a professional athlete but he never pursued it just because he felt like going professional would take him away from his family, which in his mind is his top priority. He loves his mother dearly and he is very close to his cousin Tuomas, who is both a brother to him as well as his best friend. Jukka is very caring but can be aggressive if he feels like someone he cares about is threatened.

  • December Yume

    December Yume


    December is a bright, boystrous, fun-loving artist born in Japan, adopted by a Dutch Christian-reformed family in Washington DC. She is a free spirit, a bright and cheerful yet passionate soul. Her strength is in her passion and her drive to live, to celebrate life, and to fight for what she believes in.

  • Eino Kivimäki

    Eino Kivimäki


    Personality: Stable, thoughtful, profound. Eino is a deep thinker who likes to ponder things that others might consider meaningless. He enjoys poetry and writes it on the spot a lot, either in his head or aloud depending on who he’s with. He loves music; in fact he feels music on a pretty deep level. At times he’s been known to completely ignore people talking to him in light of taking in the sounds of the music around him. Sometimes music makes him cry, other times it puts him into a trance, and he often has music around him always – either he is listening to music in headphones, in his car, in his house, always. As a musician he experiences music on a different level. He also writes music – he’s a pianist and also a singer, though he doesn’t have the most trained/beautiful voice in the world. He’d pretty easy going – not overly excitable or enthusiastic, but he is passionate about a lot of things and when he gets his mind on something it takes a small bomb to change his mind or get him to back down. History: Eino grew up in Turku and went to a small, private arts academy along with his younger sister. After he graduated, he spent a few years in Turku working in shops while performing in restaurants, bars and coffee shops in the evenings. This didn’t provide much of an income or much exposure so he made the decision to move to Helsinki at his family and friend’s prompting. He doesn’t know anyone who lives in Helsinki but he was assured that, given the size, his music would get far more exposure. And, if all else failed, he could teach music and/or give lessons to students at the music academy there. He is a certified music teacher, he just hasn’t done it. After relocating to Helsinki, he moved into an apartment in a rougher side of town, a couple blocks from the porn shop Tuomas lives above. He has no friends, but he does frequent the porn shop and develops a small friendship with the desk jockey Paavo. It’s through Paavo that he meets Tuomas. Eino keeps in contact with his family and friends from Turku but he doesn’t ever intend to go back.