
  • Katherina-May Lillian Bliss

    Katherina-May Lillian Bliss


    Katherina-May, more widely known as Katy-May or Kat is a seventeen year old witch who lives in Forks Washington. She's lived her since middle school, she was born and raised in Franklin Tennessee where she lived until her older brother got relocated. Katy-May lost her parents when she was eleven. Without a second thought her older brother Thomas and his then girl-friend Elizabeth-Quinn took not only Katy in but also her best-friend Devon who'd lived with Katy and her parents since birth. Both Eliza and Thomas are in the army. They relocated to Forks the summer before Devon and Katy started 6th grade. Currently both deployed overseas Katy is raising her niece Dakota Mae, a ten month old baby girl. Katy suffers every day with pain and depression. She blames herself of the death of her parents, and everything that's gone wrong since. She lives in fear of finally being fully alone. She see's herself as a complete burden. She has the power of visions, healing, and control over all five elements. She las her ears pierced four times each, her septum, a small stud on her left side of lip, and her belly button. She has two butterflies resting on an Easer Lilly with her parents name's in cursive under it on her left wrist, Cleft note heart on right wrist. Music notes on either side of her collar bone, Cherry Blossom tree tattoo on right side of hip reaching up rib cage just under breast, 'Pain Is Just A Simple Compromise' on left side of rib cage, Humming Birds on hips, 'We're Just. . . Misguided Ghosts' with a tiny heart on lower back. Tattoos:

  • Devon in Wolf Form.

    Devon in Wolf Form.


    Devon's wolf form.

  • Christina Marie Collins

    Christina Marie Collins


    Christina is Emilia's older sister and Devon's ex-girlfriend and mother to Benjamin. She's wild and reckless. She fled town only weeks after giving birth to Benjamin. If had been up to her she would have gotten rid of Ben before she ever had him but Devon was able to convince her not to. She's never phased as a wolf. She lives to cause harm to others and start drama. She loves the fact that she can bring Devon down to his knees in pain.

  • Nixon Alexander Abrams

    Nixon Alexander Abrams


    Nixon Alexander Abrams, Nix or Nixon for short is Emilia's imprint and lover. He imprinted on Emilia as well as her imprinting on him. They're very affectionate together, almost to the point Katy and Devon want to harm the pair. He's a brother figure to Katy, Devon and the little ones. He's a wolf who phased at fourteen. He's got the powers to can see people's past and he's smart so he can predict their future actions from their past and can also turn back time for a minute. Causing a dejavu feeling for those around him. Ears gaged and and a music tattoo on forearm.

  • Emilia Rose Collins

    Emilia Rose Collins


    Emilia Rose Collins, Emma or Emi for short is Devon and Katy's closest friend. They've been friends since the pair moved to Forks, Washington. She imprinted on her long time boyfriend Nixon. She phases for the first time at fifteen. She's overly protective of Katy, Devon, Nixon, Dakota and Ben. She's got the power to control anyone by making eye contact. She also has the power to make them do anything she wants them to, though it only works once per person. She has her right ear pierced five times including tragus, ear pierced three times on her left side and her belly button. And has "I believe in me" across left collar to middle of her chest.

  • Benjamin-David Thomas Bliss

    Benjamin-David Thomas Bliss


    Benjamin-David Thomas Bliss, Ben or Benny is Devon's two year old son. He's never met his mother so he look and turn to Katy for the motherly love and bond. He's got messy mousy light brown hair like his father and his father's bright blue eyes. He's very in-depended for being two, and loves to try and do things on his own. He's fiercely over-protective of Dakota and would rather spend his waking hours playing with her.

  • Dakota-Mae Katherina Bliss

    Dakota-Mae Katherina Bliss


    Dakota-Mae Katherina Bliss, Dakota or Kota for short is the ten month old daughter of Thomas and Eliza. She's got curly reddish auburn hair, pale skin and bright blue eyes. Her ears are pierced once. For only being ten months her mental maturity level is high. That comes from her being a witch. She already has a few powers, one of them being able to show people emotions by touching them. She is a very alert baby and is constantly looking around her surrounds for anything that could cause harm to anyone she loves. She has a very strong attachment and connection to Benny, Devon's son. What the connection is very un-clear at the moment but Devon and Katy have a feeling that they know what it is. Devon treats Dakota like a sister and is very protective of her just like he is with Katy.

  • Elizabeth-Quinn Lillian Brandon-Bliss

    Elizabeth-Quinn Lillian Brandon-Bliss


    Elizabeth-Quinn 'Eliza' Brandon-Bliss is Thomas's wife and Katy's sister-in-law. She's a best-friend, sister and motherly figure to both Katy and Devon. She's the mother of Dakota-Mae. She's a surgeon in the army and is currently stationed over in Iraq due to them needing extra hands. She writes regularly and calls Katy and the family every other day. She's been over seas for the past three months. She was more than supportive in taking in Katy and Devon when her in-laws passed away. She's said may times if Thomas hadn't taken them in she would have herself. She has her ears pierced and humming birds tattooed on her hips that match Katy's.

  • Thomas Bryan Bliss

    Thomas Bryan Bliss


    Thomas 'Tommy' Bryan Bliss is Katy older brother by blood and in most senses Devon's older brother. He's Dakota's father and Eliza's husband. He's thirty four and is in the Navy, currently stationed over in Iraq. He's been in the army since he was 18. When his and Katy's parents died he didn't think twice before taking in the two preteens. He's not only a brother but a father figure to both Katy and Devon. He was there for Devon when Ben was born and treats Ben like a nephew. He's been over in Iraq for the past seven months. Due to his job he can't let Katy or any family or friends know where exactly he is located. He writes regularly and calls and Skypes when he gets the chance.

  • Devon Benjamin Christian-Bliss

    Devon Benjamin Christian-Bliss


    Devon 'Devvy' Benjamin Christian-Bliss, is Katy's best friend and brother like figure. He was adopted by her parents when he was only two years old. Though the pair have known each other since birth. At the age of ten he decided he wanted to take on her family's last name changing it from Christian to Bliss. He like Katy was born on October 31st, which commonly gets them mistaken for twins, also because they're similar looks. Devon has a son named Benjamin who just turned two. Ben's mom and Devon's ex-girlfriend left two weeks after Ben was born. She never wanted the baby, and would have gotten rid of it if Devon hadn't stopped her. Two years later Devon is still broken up about it, Though he knew Christine wasn't his imprint he still loved her. Devon comes from a family of wolves and went through the change at fourteen. Katy was by his side even when he tried pushing her away. Devon is very protective of Katy and her little sister. He never lets Katy get too far out of his sight after what's happened to her. He's got a frankenstine tattoo on his left arm, 'Where There Is Love, There Is Life' written on his right forearm, and 'We're Just. . . Misguided Ghost's' with a small heart on his back.