
  • Elizabeth "Ezzi" Leigh Walker

    Elizabeth "Ezzi" Leigh Walker


    Ezzi is tall, slender and beautiful. But wait, she's depressed. Why? Well I guess you'll have to ask her. Good luck getting it out of her, though. She's locked tight and won't open up. Ezzi has long dark auburn hair that falls to her breasts and big, bright green eyes that shine. Her lips are full, and she's gorgeous, but she doesn't seem to think so. Ezzi is basically everything a guy could lust for, but she doesn't seem to think so. Neither do the guys in her town, Salem, Massachusetts. Ezzi has a perfect, heart shaped face and a nice nose with a handful of freckles splattered on it. Though she doesn't need it, she wears a ton of black eyeliner and mascara and eye shadow. Ezzi is sweet, and funny, and nice, though very introverted and only comes out around those she is comfortable around, which isn't many people.