
  • Nami Tsukiko

    Nami Tsukiko


    On her last year of high school, her parents had been constantly fighting and arguing. Often she had got in the middle of their fights, each time getting sent to the hospital. After she graduated, had have enough of her parent's bickering, killed them in their sleep. She was scared and confused afterwards, so moved away with her best friend Yuki to Ikebukuro where she meets Kida, Mikado, Shizuo, Izaya, Simon Celty and Shinra. To this day she still regrets ***ing her parents. After spending a few days in Ikebukuro, she fell in love with the strongest man there named Shizuo and eventually the two started dating. One month later, she started I.U. Ikebukuro University, where she meets her new friends, Miyumi, who happens to be in love with her boyfriend, Kyou who has his eyes on her and plans on stealing her away from Shizuo no matter the cost, Taro, Kyou's brother who lusted after her, raped and impregnated her, Jiro her bisexual friend who fell in love with Shizuo at first, but got over that and soon fell for Nami. She rescued a fourteen year old Seka Ichi Kaoru from drowning and immediately took him in. She is 3 weeks pregnant now. She decided to birth the child and send him to an orphange Yuki suggested for her. She feels attracted to her close friend Jiro, but has no romantic feelings for him at all, for she's irrevocably in love with Shizuo. She teases Jiro a lot sexually just for fun and because she feels he's too easy. She's a straight "A" student and majors in Science at I.U. She is stubborn, but sweet and friendly, short tempered, but can be shy at times. She also mischivous. She loves teasing people. She secretly dances and sings when she's alone because she feels she can't do it well.

  • Kyou Haitaka

    Kyou Haitaka


    He grew up in Ikebukuro and now attends I.U. When he first met Nami in math class, he knew he had to get her. When he found out she was Shizuo's girl, he wanted her even more than he did before. He acts like the innocent, cute, and playful friend, but truly he is a sneaky guy who always gets the girl he wants.

  • Taro Yamada

    Taro Yamada


    Taro is Kyou's younger brother. He is new to Ikebukuro University was nervous. When he first meets Nami, who immediately made him feel welcomed, he feels that he wants to have her in every way possible. Kyou warns him about Nami's boyfriend Shizuo is rumored the strongest man in Ikebukuro, but Taro didn't care about that. He believes if a worthy girl is taken, she is more desirable. Kyou tells Taro about how he was in the same boat as him, but Nami set him straight. Taro of course didn't listen to him. He's lusting after Nami. He's playful and flirty and he doesn't hide it. He makes lots of sexual advances towards Nami, who is again oblivious to it.

  • Jiro Mochizuki

    Jiro Mochizuki


    He immediately became close friends to Nami when they first met at school in the cafeteria. He is in love with Shizuo, but knows his feelings will be forever unrequited, so is trying to find someone knew to love. He's happy that Nami and Shizuo are in a passionate relationship together. He really likes Nami and wouldn't even dare dream of ruining that relationship. He harbors a sad past that is yet to be revealed. Even though his appearance is different, he's actually shy around crushes. He's kind, friendly and likes to joke around sometimes. He's a very curious person, so he asks a lot of questions. despite what he looks like, he's truly an innocent person.

  • Seka Ichi Kaoru

    Seka Ichi Kaoru


    He's a foreigner from London. His past has yet to be unveiled, but he was forced move to Japan to live with his grandmother, who will soon past away. He's half Japanese with British on the other half, but he has blonde hair and blue eyes. He got it from his father's side who was American. He speaks Japanese fluently. He's sweet, innocent and a little bit clingy. He was introcued int the story was a drowning victim, when Nami saves his life.