
  • Marlee Grove

    Marlee Grove


    Basics: Name: Marlee Grove Nicknames: Mac, Mari Race: Third generation New York Irish with some Chinese thrown in somewhere Age: 26 Date of Birth: 17 November Birthplace: Mumbai, India Hometown: New York City, NY Current Residence: In a tiny petless shithole apartment she refuses to give up. Speech: English, small angry Irish woman, Spanish, Mandarin, some Hindi, rather formal Japanese. Family: Thomas, father – police officer. Marnie, mother – painter. Christopher, brother – 747 pilot for Southwest Airlines. Chinese Zodiac: Dragon Western Zodiac: Scorpio-Sagittarius Cusp Orientation: Has a definite *** fetish. Religion: Raised Catholic, practicing Catholic. Physical: Height: 5ft 4in Weight: 122lbs Hair: Long, red, thick, and fantastically mussed. Eyes: Nice and pale green Complexion: Really ***ing pale, she’s Irish. Description: Considered lovely in a traditional kind of way. Has a model face and body with absolutely no clue on how to use it to her advantage. The girl is clueless in the ways of using a pretty face to get anywhere—even just a free drink. Scars: Left thigh has a long thin scar that stands out on her skin, one at the hair line on her forehead, both are the result of a car accident when she was a small child. There are three thin scars on her left shoulder that resemble claw marks, these are self inflicted as a way of dealing with the constant pain in her hands and arms. She still regrets those marks. Tattoos: Earth dragon wrapped around her left thigh. Rosary worked around her right elbow/forearm. Lotus on left foot, sakura on right. Still has no idea what to put on her left arm. Piercings: 0g with rings through them in ears. Secretly pierced her tongue, still can’t handle solids yet. Occupation: Currently retailing in a porn shop just for the stories (plus good pay and the great time of getting to work with an old high school friend). Freelance photographer, favors live music to fashion. Attire: What would be the envy of any vintage loving boho/Tokyo fashion fanatic aka thrift store chic. Likes: Her ESP bass, Tama drum kits, thigh length boots, the smell of cool leather, crosses, her brown and cream colored glasses, film cameras, lomography, Diana and Super Samplers, sex, tattoos, scars, film, horror films, videography, photography, painting, writing, composing, singing, flowers: sunflowers, orchids, roses, cherry blossoms (sakura), lotus blossoms, geeking over the latest in Canon elite DSLR cameras and lenses (and occasionally having a fan attack over X Japan or Luna Sea). Dislikes: Being groped, hot metal, being stared at, colored contacts (they hurt her eyes but she admires anyone who can wear them for long periods of time), paper cuts, the sound of paper rubbing together (with a particular hatred of construction paper), warm beer Hobbies: Literally any form of self expression, she feels like there is too much being bottled up inside her so Yasu will try anything to get it out, this can be anything that catches her attention. Though screaming is fun. Has also recently taken up making wind chimes. Personality: Marlee is just Marlee. Whatever you think she is, you’re either right or wrong. She won’t tell you but you can ask and find out for yourself. This might make her seem quieter/smarter/more socially adept/cooler than she actually is, she’s just a big ***in dork who hates well drinks. Pets: She desperately wants pets but isn’t home enough to keep one—she needs to a) make more money or b) get a live in pet sitter (aka significant other). Other: Please don't harass Marlee about her smoking, she does it away from others and makes a point to keep the cigarette smoke going with the wind and not towards you.