
  • Viola Renee Espinosa

    Viola Renee Espinosa


    Vi; easily one of the prettiest girls at school, although she isn't popular; has never really had a boyfriend but has gone out with a couple of guys; a junior at the local high school where she lives; ends up falling in love with Trevor although it's a toxic relationship; has a younger sister, Katy, and older brother Bear; lives with her parents, Jason and Samantha, and siblings; has two best friends, Blanche and Mackenzie; a straight A student; wants to become a professional volley ball player; participates in sports such as volley ball, basketball, and softball; the secretary for her class; organizes fundraisers and the like; has time for everyone; has a cousin, Lupe, who she is very close to and has three children (Carmen, Clemente, and Custodio); Vi loves the kids very much

  • Trevor Christopher Hummel

    Trevor Christopher Hummel


    Trev; lives in the next town over from the new school he attends; a junior at the school; a good guy at first but he ends up showing his true toxic colors; does love Vi but doesn't know how to really portray it properly; grew up in a dysfuntional home with his single mother, Amber, who constantly brought guys home from the strip club she worked at; only child; has multiple tattos and piercings; wants to become a tattoo artist when he's older; a player of a guy; doesn't really give a *** about anyone other than himself except for Viola who he attempts to but can't really; a straight D student; really good at skateboarding.

  • Blanche Cheyenne Koury

    Blanche Cheyenne Koury


    One of Viola's best friends; lives with her brother, Anthony, and their grandmother; isn't really into the whole idea of school like Vi is but she does try; wants to become an artist when she's older; not athletic at all; also friends with Mackenzie Davis; the three girls spend a lot of time together; has a boyfriend, Michael, who she loves very much; going out with him six months prior to Viola going out with Trevor; doesn't really trust Trevor, but is happy that her best friend is happy; met Vi in kindergarten during recess when some bullies were picking on her and Vi stood up for her; owes a lot to Vi and the two are pretty much sisters.

  • Mackenzie Nicole Davis

    Mackenzie Nicole Davis


    Ken, Kenzie; the second half of Viola's best friends; adopted when she was five by her biological mother's cousin and now lives with them and her two older siblings, Danny and Zoey; met Vi when she came to the high school during their freshmen year; the two are inseperable; doesn't have a permit/license; has a boyfriend, J.P., who she really likes a lot; is happy that Viola is in love with Trevor but doesn't really process that he's bad for her like Blanche does; also friends with Blanche Koury; the prettiest girl at school; captain of the girl's varsity soccer team and plays basketball with Vi; wants to become a marine biologist; not into school.

  • Jacob Paul Henderson

    Jacob Paul Henderson


    J.P., Jake; his girlfriend is Mackenzie Davis; he's a senior at the local high school in the town; wnats to become a bouncer for clubs; doesn't really aim to high; loves his girlfriend, knows she feels the same about him but just won't admit it; has a younger brother, Simon, and lives with his Dad; after being approved of by Vi and Blanche, he was welcomed into their group of friends with open arms; acts like a big brother to Kenzie's friends, and treats them like annoying younger siblings; plays basketball and baseball; is going away to the local college when he graduates.

  • Michael Alexander Williams

    Michael Alexander Williams


    Mike; boyfriend to Blanche, also a junior like the rest of the group except for J.P.; friends with J.P. but only because Blanche is friends with Mackenzie; loves his girlfriend; isn't sure what he wants to do with his life just yet; lives in his own apartment and doesn't have much of a family other than his alchoholic parents; really good friends with Kenzie and Vi, also treats the two like they're his sisters; doesn't totally trust Trevor, he supports Blanche, but he also wants to see Vi happy for a change; plays soccer in his backyard but isn't on the team

  • Lupe Adaris Espinosa-Rodriguez

    Lupe Adaris Espinosa-Rodriguez


    Lu; Viola's older cousin who treats her like a sister; has two brothers Miguel and Juan; has three children her oldest being her only daughter Carmen, then Clemente, and lastly Custodio; married to Julio Rodriguez; her brother Juan is her twin; works as a hair dresser when her Carmen is at school and leaves Clemente and Custodio with her Aunt Samantha who works at a day care center which makes it easier and more affordable for Lupe and her husband; kept her last name and took on her husband's last name as well because she couldn't imagine not being an 'Espinosa' but she is proud to be married to her husband; Viola is practically her younger sister, and Katy like another child, whereas Bear is her annoying cousin.