
  • Matt Sanders

    Matt Sanders


    The leader of the group and the most violent one, suffers from a sadistic personality disorder. He had gone to jail for ***ing his own family. He was the first to be admitted to the hospital, and has violent outbursts every now and then. He had been kept in a straight jacket so many times that the cloth cut into his skin, scarring his wrists and neck.

  • Brian Haner Jr.

    Brian Haner Jr.


    He has a narcissistic personality disorder. He is a beautiful man with black hair and chocolate eyes. His smirk can make every woman swoon and fall to his feet. But he cares not for any of them; for he is in love with himself. He always keeps a mirror close to him, and when he acts violently towards the staff from the hospital he is kept in a room where he has no mirrors to look at.

  • Jimmy Sullivan

    Jimmy Sullivan


    The funny one of the group. He suffers from ADD (attention deficy hyperactivity disorder) and can’t stay still for more than 5 seconds. He is always seen jumping and joking around, pulling pranks on the staff and annoying people.

  • Zacky Baker

    Zacky Baker


    Has eosophobia; a morbid fear of dawn and daylight. He’s a vampire, explaining the phobia. They meet him in the darkness of the night or in windowless rooms. He’s never seen outside, he had gone outside once and returned with heavy burnt skin, traumatizing him for life.

  • Johnny Seward

    Johnny Seward


    Suffers from CIP – congenital insesitivity to pain. He’s not a mental patient like the rest of the group; but hangs out with them because he feels like an outcast and relates to them, so he sneaks into the mental section of the hospital to be with them. The rare disease he suffers from prevents him from feeling any pain; he could be in danger from just walking around.