
  • Cassandra Neilson

    Cassandra Neilson


    Profile: Looks: Long curly dark brown hair, aquamarine blue eyes, Personality: Nice, Shy, Violent (at times), protecting of the people she cares about, Style: Guy's Girl (cross between a girly girl and a tomboy) Hobbies: Reading, Judo, Singing Other Name(s): Cassie, Cass, Cassie-boo (one of Fai's many nicknames for her) About: She's been wanting to be able to able find a place she belonged in, been training to be able to fight since she was very young. Likes to stay quiet and to herself, and one of her favorite things to do is curl up in the corner of a couch or chair with a book. She can tell when the people around her are in pain (of any kind) whether its a nightmare or just depressed. She's been rejected, pushed away or beat up by the people she went to school with. Likes to relax by either listening to music or playing guitar and singing, also likes to just to just float in a lake/or pool for hours on end (doesn't care about the temperature).