
  • Tabby Amara Dallas

    Tabby Amara Dallas


    BD - August 24th. Tabby is mean and bitchy and despises Troy. She wants Hector and will do anything to get him. She stomps all over Trinity but knows that isn’t smart. Troy isn’t one to take it. She acts like a ***, and makes people believe she is, but she’s actually a virgin. She and her twin brother Lafe are orphans and natural born wolves. They live with their human aunt, who knows the secret. She is a cheerleader, but isn’t good at it. Her biggest fear is the dark...well the things that lurk in it anyways.

  • Christina Michelle Maurine (Chris/Tina)

    Christina Michelle Maurine (Chris/Tina)


    BD - April 27th. Christina or ‘Chris’ was once as close to Troy as Danni and Jason before she went away to for a summer at cheer leading camp. She was lost and out of place before Tabby took her under her wind and altered her way of thinking. She is known for being sweet, but turning sour at the first opportunity. She acts like a ***, but isn’t one really although she isn’t a virgin. She secretly crushes on Joe, who she has known since birth do to their parents being friends. Her biggest fear is drowning. She doesnt swim.

  • Seth Moses Clearwater

    Seth Moses Clearwater


    BD - April 3rd. Seth is the youngest member of Jacob's pack. He's a very happy and optimistic kid who will do almost anything to prove himself. He doesnt hang out with a lot of kids his own age, but hangs around his 'brothers.' Seth met both Troy's friend Danni and Troy at a bonfire and approves of both of them. He thinks Troy is a good match for Jake and is glad she seems to make him happy. He likes that the Cullens don't hurt humans and feels that life would be easier for everyone if the wolves and vampires put aside their differences. His biggest fear are snakes.

  • Danielle Carrie Ravens (Danni)

    Danielle Carrie Ravens (Danni)


    BD - July 11th. Danni is Troys best girlfriend and possibly the sweetest girl you'll ever meet. She is completely selfless and kind of a goody-too-shoes, which is exactly the opposite of all her friends. She keeps Trinity and just about everyone else grounded and out of trouble as much as she can, but despite that she will still go to great lengths to impress them. She's a great athlete, and student, she is really good at freestyle rap but is too shy to really showcase it, and only does it around her friends. She's a wolf, but not high ranking in the pack and was imprinted on by Embry Call. Danni is very shy though and isn't sure how to handle it. Her biggest fear is losing her friends to all the reckless and childish things they do. Oh and heights. She doesnt handle heights well.

  • Jasmine Anna Carter (Jason)

    Jasmine Anna Carter (Jason)


    BD - April 10th. Jason is Troy's 2nd best girlfriend and kind of a loud mouth. Someone on the outside would think she is way too happy and giggly to be considered one of the guys but she has a rebel inside of her that keeps her close. She died her hair a red-pink-purple color when she was angry at her mother, but likes it so much she kept it. Her brother is Troy's boyfriend and the Beta of the pack while her dad is Alpha. She is single, but is often chased after by guys, both wolf and human. She doesnt stick with any of them for too long though, and prefers to be single as opposed to letting anyone in, while she's careless about who her friends are. She wants to find her imprint someday in the distant future and she plans on learning to ride a motorcycle after she gets her license. Her biggest fear is being treated like the baby of the pack forever because she's the youngest.

  • Hector Iassic Carter

    Hector Iassic Carter


    BD - November 30th. Hector is Troy's current boyfriend. He loves her, but no more than a sister and feels the need to protect her from all the boys who fall for her. He is secretly in love with a bitter 'goth' girl from the pack named Lizzie, but she barely spares him a glance because she's not very social. Jason is his little sister and annoys him less often than Troy does. He often feels like he is the adult in the relationship, and constantly gets on Troy for doing stupid or reckless things. He feels threatened by Jacob and knows that he imprinted on her, but he wont let Troy go as long as she remains clueless. His biggest fear is that he won't be able to protect her and she'll get hurt.

  • Jacob Eprhiam Black

    Jacob Eprhiam Black


    BD - January 14th. Jacob is hopelessly in love with Troy, and would do anything to make her smile. She fills his every thought and he is always thinking up ways he can get closer to her. Jacob is sweet, a bit overprotective and completely selfless. He looks out for his friends and his pack and keeps them safe. He doesnt mind being a wolf, but he does see it as a burden and wouldn't wish it on anyone, especially Troy. He has a hard time coping with it when she turns behind his back, but can never stay mad at her for long. His worst enemies are vampires, (not necessarily the Cullens because of Troy's connections to them through Bella) and Trinity's boyfriend, Hector. His biggest fear is losing Trinity.

  • Embry Chase Call

    Embry Chase Call


    BD - March 8th. Embry is Jacob's best friend and approves of Troy. He thinks she's a sweet girl, but she's a little wilder than he is used too having girl's be and he prefers her friend Danni to her. Danni is his imprint and Embry can't get her out of his head, but he's too shy to ask her out on his own. Luckily though, he has Troy and Jacob to set him up. Embry lives with his single mother and doesnt really care for a father figure, alot like Troy doesnt either. He is funny and gentle and quiet but he's everyone's shoulder to cry on. He also keeps their secrets better than anyone. His biggest fear is dying while fighting a vampire and leaving his mom alone.

  • Quil Sydney Ateara

    Quil Sydney Ateara


    BD - February 6th. Quil is Jacob's other best friend and the loud mouth of the group. He's kind of cocky but when it comes right down to it his friends are the only ones that matters. He is completely loyal to his pack and his two year old imprint, Claire. He dotes on her like a big brother and misses her alot when she cant come to visit. When she does come though, you will never find those two apart. His biggest fear has been clowns ever since one showed up to Claire's third birthday party.

  • Paul Joseph Lahote

    Paul Joseph Lahote


    BD - February 19th. Paul is the hot head of the pack, and a complete womanizer. He's gotten at most of the best looking girls in La Push and is starting to target girl's from Forks. He thinks Troy is hot and is often threatened by Jacob because of it. Despite his rough exterior though, he is really a softie. Paul stands up for his friends and his pack and wont let them fight alone, but he doesnt trust people other than his pack easily because his mom cheated on his father and then left. He only womanizes because he doesnt want to commit and have his heart broken like his father, although he does feel guilty for this sometimes. He recognizes that it makes him like his mother but he cant find reason to change. He's one of the last three of the pack who haven't imprinted. His biggest fear is that he'll end up alone forever.