
  • Astrid Anne Black

    Astrid Anne Black


    Date of birth: August 1, 1980 Eye color: Dark/light gray Hair color/type: Black and soft waves Resembles more of her father. Astrid Black is the second daughter of Amilia (Moody) Black and Sirius Black and niece of Alastor "Mad-Eye" Moody. She is currently in her fourth year of Hogwarts and is in Gryffindor. Her best friends are Harry Potter, Hermione Granger, and Ron Weasley. She has a pet Ferruginous hawk named Alexander (Xander for short) who likes to spend most of his time flying around the grounds on his own or with Aldara and Hedwig. Astrid is also a psychic, though she considers her ability useless, seeing as she only has visions of good things happening, rather than bad things which she could possibly prevent. Astrid is a very confident girl, strong-willed, and trusts her gut rather than facts. She is also extremely loyal, protective, and will do everything in her power to keep her promises (she has never failed to keep a promise so far). Her wand: Wood - Rowan, Core - Phoenix feather Description: "Rowan tree is mostly renown for its protective abilities. Both against enchantment and physical damage (especially against lightning), but range of its possible uses is much wider. In fact Rowan can be used in magical workings almost of all sorts. For healing purposes, in metal divining (and in finding hidden treasures in general), is astral work, in controlling senses from beguiling, and of course, in Divination and foretelling. On higher spiritual levels Rowan is the best match for those people who do not satisfy with easy answers, instead striving to see the deep, true essence of things, and, by the way, it is the favorite tree of astrologers and wand makers. This wand is powerful and precise, though might be unpredictable sometimes. It has a deep impact on an inner nature of things and due to that fact it can be used in high-level magic practices (especially for Transfiguration). Very good for active defense. Not suitable for spells which demand long lasting effort. Keywords: Tree of the Wise, intuition, true essence of things, insight, creativity, foresight, lightning, active protection, healing, astrology, dispelling evil charms, finding what is hidden, strong and unpredictable power, autumn, wisdom of old age.

  • Athena Aubri Black

    Athena Aubri Black


    Date of birth: June 28, 1979 Eye color: Grey with flecks of green and honey Hair color/type: Rich brown and has slight waves Resembles more of her mother. Athena Black is the first child born of Amilia (Moody) Black and Sirius Black and is also niece of Alastor "Mad-Eye" Moody. She is currently in her fifth year at Hogwarts and is in Gryffindor. Her best friends are Fred and George Weasley, Lee Jordan, and prior to her fourth year, Angelina Johnson. Athena is currently in a relationship with Fred Weasley after years of harboring romantic feelings for him. Athena has a pet Red-Shouldered hawk named Aldara which Athena says means "winged-gift" in Greek. Athena has a younger sister, Astrid, who she used to find extremely annoying when younger, but now thinks of her as a close friend. Unlike her sister, Athena prefers to stay out of the limelight except when it comes to her mother, who she deeply seeks great approval of, thinking her mother is more proud of Astrid. Athena worried for most of her life that she would be put into Ravenclaw, thinking she wasn't worthy of being a Gryffindor but the sorting hat took her wish to be a Gryffindor into consideration and thus placed her in the same house her mother and father had been in. Athena is a very hard-worker and is secretly jealous of Astrid's ability of being naturally gifted in all sorts of things. Though jealous of her younger sister, she holds no ill-will towards her and is actually protective of her, standing up against Harry when he turns on Astrid. To try and prove herself to her mother and sister Athena tried out and made the Gryffindor Quidditch team and is currently a Chaser. Athena is also very wise for her age, which her mother commented as being "freakish" in a humorous manner. Her wand: Wood - Pine, Core - Unicorn Hair Description: "Pine wood is good for all magical working that demand clarity and preciseness. It does especially well in rituals of keeping and preservation and well as in divining or scrying practices. In addition to it, pine can be used to dispel illusions, calm passions, and clear the mind. This wand is calm and precise, though somewhat cold. Good both for charms and transfiguration. Shows excellent results in memory-strengthening spells and is not suitable for dark arts. Keywords: Preserving, clarification, lucidity of mind, persistence of memory, immortality, light, summoning up all that's happened, balance, calmness, high spirit, soothing, divine rituals.