
  • Dramatic Link

    Dramatic Link


    ~”I can only have one quote? But... I say so many poetic things...” Link -- oh dear, where to begin... Well, Link is totally oblivious to the world around him. His life revolves around rescuing Zelda or getting high, and he “isn’t” in a relationship with Prince Marth. He has a bit of bad luck, so bad things always seem to be happening to him. He’s also dramatic and gives people headaches with his nearly constant wailing and whining. Lastly, he’s obsessed with finding a girlfriend -- but is put in an arranged marriage by the Deku Tree Sprout. Boo hoo.

  • Midna



    ~”If I could kill anyone in any world, I would kill Zant -- again.” Midna is ruler of the Twili race in the Twilight Realm, and is also Zelda’s “worst enemy.” She’s sarcastic, but in a cool way, and usually one of the only voices of reason among the group. She’s good friends with Kaikoura, but isn’t particularly close to anyone else (unless she’s dating them). Oh, and she still really hates Zant and Ganondorf.... and beef products.

  • Shadow Link

    Shadow Link


    ~”:3 xD -w- ;p ^ . ^ :D “ Yes, Shadow Link likes to make lots o’ faces when he types... But that’s beside the point! He’s a little creepo and likes to hit on or flirt with, like, anyone. He serves Vaati, and everybody believes he’s secretly in love with him. This has yet to be proven, however. He can teleport using shadows, but can only come out during the late afternoon or at night due to the position of the sun or something like that. His partner in crime is Rabia, and the two are often seen making other people’s lives miserable. But he's cute, so it's all good.

  • Sheik NOT Zelda

    Sheik NOT Zelda


    ~”.....” Sheik is a very reserved person. He spends much of his time saying poetic things, helping Link with his problems, and drinking soup. He’s very good friends with Link and Zelda, even though the two don’t always treat him very well. He’s put into an arranged marriage with Kaikoura, even though he’d prefer to be single. Oh yeah, and if you can’t tell, he’s a HE, not a she. Get over it, Femme Sheik lovers.

  • Dead Zant

    Dead Zant


    ~”-siiiigh- Forever alone...” Poor Zant is dead, single, and lonely. Rabia is one of his only friends, along with the famous Dark Lord, Voldemort. Could this be because neither of them really have noses? I have no idea! All I know is that Zant is dead, and doesn’t have many friends. In his spare time, he hosts parties and paints lovely watercolors. Like, truly, you should see them sometime. Just saying.

  • Princess Zelda

    Princess Zelda


    ~”A quote? Uhhh.... what’s Sheik’s quote? Can I use that one? Wait, why are you writing this down? I don’t want this as my quote!” Quite honestly, Zelda is a huge bitch. People either love her or hate her for this... and usually, people don’t love it. She claims she’s “hard to get,” but has a new boyfriend almost every other week. She goes partying and clubbing a lot with Rabia, and always wants to be the center of attention. She secretly harbors a massive crush on Link, but only because she thinks he’ll do things for her that most normal men would never subject themselves too. She hates Midna and Kaikoura for no reason at all, and is a horrible ruler!

  • Ganondorf Dragmire

    Ganondorf Dragmire


    ~”Let’s have some fun this beat is sick, I want to take a ride on your disco stick!.” Alright, now that I’m going to be brutally ***ed... ON WITH THE BIO! Ganondorf is an angry Gerudo man ; in fact, he is the ONLY Gerudo man. He has a daughter named Kabira, who’s totally following in his footsteps, and has been married *counts this...* 3 times. His queen is (and his only successfullish marriage is with) Rabia. Basically, he’s always angry and refuses to do anything if it’s not done his way. So, he’s spoiled. (I’m so dead) (by 38, he means like 938...)